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"State Is Responsible For The Actions Of Idleness Of Junior Employee


16:16 27/11/2007

"The role of the European Court of Human Rights is rising and
significance is put on it. On the other hand, it is decreasing,"
the representative of the Armenian government at the European Court
of Human Rights, Gevorg Kostanyan, said. In his words, the role is
decreasing taking into consideration that the duration of examining
the cases has been prolonged in that court. In many cases, citizens do
not think it is effective because one case may last from 4 to 5 years.

In the words of the government representative, internal and
international entities are looking for ways that may cut the flow
of applications to the European Court, which in its turn will cut
the duration of case studies. In this sense, Kostanyan attaches
importance to the role of Human Rights Ombudsman and believes it is
not a coincidence that international entities discuss rising the role
and authorities of human right ombudsmen.

"Every application from Armenia to the European Court is an issue
of the country’s prestige, therefore, the state is interested to
protect the rights and interests of the citizens up to the maximum,"
Kostanyan believes.

The state is responsible for the actions and the idleness of the
junior level, the junior employees and the state may face a defeat
for every such employee.

In this sense, Kostanyan attaches importance to the coordinated work
among the state structures, citizens and defense attorneys. "Today a
lot is said that Armenia is facing defeats at the European Court. Yes,
de facto, we see that this is an obvious defeat since a fact is
recognized that the state has violated citizen rights," government
representative said.

Karabekian Emil:
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