Categories: News

You will be sold at the price you sell

Lragir, Armenia
Nov 30 2007


`Levon Ter-Petrosyan comes to sell Karabakh.’ `These ones sold
Karabakh for a long time ago.’ Almost every Armenian is familiar with
these accusations. Everyone knows that the present government and its
supporters are accusing Levon Ter-Petrosyan in an effort to hinder
his political success, while Levon Ter-Petrosyan and his supporters
are retorting to the present government. In fact, it is difficult to
tell whose words have a magic effect on voters, and who hits the
target. One thing is obvious that both parties perfectly hurt the
dignity of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. In other words,
no matter what the purpose of these statements is, whether they are
meant to hit the political opponent or are out of worry for the fate
of Karabakh, it is obvious that the pronouncements about selling
Karabakh are insult to the people of Karabakh. The people who are
living in Nagorno-Karabakh, facing Armenia and the Diaspora, waiting
how many millions will be raised in the recurrent telethon to solve
their problems but in reality they live in their villages without any
millions , working their land, hearing Azerbaijan’s threats of war
and thinking before going to bed every day it is good that Azerbaijan
threatens to wage a war, for it means that they are not selling
Karabakh, otherwise Azerbaijan would announce to buy Karabakh.

Painful though it may be, we have to confess that Nagorno-Karabakh
became the most vivid indicator of the misery of the Armenian
political thought. Meanwhile, the Karabakh movement seemed to spur
the modern Armenian political thought. It seemed that over years,
especially after the success of the movement, this thought would
generated more, and it would pass from Karabakh to the solution of
more global problems. The opposite occurred, instead of generation
the Armenian political though underwent deep degradation to the
degree that Karabakh is already perceived at a level goods and
materials, in other words, it is something that can be sold. When the
activists of the present or the former government, when the
representatives of the present and the former opposition say to sell
Karabakh, do they remember that people live in Karabakh. If they do
remember, how do they imagine this trade of which they accuse one
another? In addition, first of all those who say they won’t let sell
Karabakh insult as much and even more the people of Karabakh. Dear
friends, who are you to allow or not to allow selling Karabakh, would
ask every Karabakhi who lives in this country? Who are you to decide
to sell or not to sell Karabakh? If you are this who, dare say who
you take the people of Karabakh for that can be sold together with
their country, it is not important to whom, Azerbaijan, Russia,
America and the European Union.

Only God knows the ultimate line of human abilities. And perhaps not
always does God give these abilities as a gift. Sometimes these
abilities become God’s punishment. Only as a rule everything that is
divine is perceived with difficulty because the human millennial
civilization is lying heavily on the surface of water.


Tamamian Anna:
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