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Analyzing material for LTP

Lragir, Armenia
Dec 6 2007


Although the police refused to issue a certificate on permanent
residence in Armenia over the past ten years and the court declined
the appeal against the decision of the police, the leader of the Nor
Jamanakner Party Aram Karapetyan stated December 6 that on January 21
he will launch his election campaign because it has no importance for
him whether they registered him or not. Aram Karapetyan stated that
he is not going to support anyone, and he is going to advise his
supporters to vote for the people who are real opposition. The real
opposition are the candidates whom the government refuses to register
and criticizes, Aram Karapetyan says in answer to the reporters. The
leader of the Nor Jamanakner Party promised to point to the real
opposition for his voters on the last day of the election campaign.

Aram Karapetyan will launch his campaign at full, at least he says he
is going to pay for advertising on TV, not at the expense of the
other candidates. He thinks it is not probable. Aram Karapetyan
promises that although he was not registered, he will reveal corrupt
officials. `I do not care for this registration. I work with people,
I work with you. People will decide if I will succeed or not. I think
everyone believes that the election will be rigged because in
yesterday’s interview Mr. Kocharyan said the problem of government of
Armenia has been solved. I think we will start action on February 20.
I never believed in February 19. Therefore, whether I am registered
or not, February 20 belongs to those who want to change something in
Armenia. I do not need registration with the Central Electoral
Commission for that,’ Aram Karapetyan says. He repeats that after the
election campaign starts he will tell whom the government will take
to the second round, how many percent Serge Sargsyan will get in the
second round to become president. The leader of the Nor Jamanakner
Party says he will release those figures on the basis of his
information that the society will check. Aram Karapetyan stated that
he has learned that they are planning to place Levon Ter-Petrosyan in
the fourth or fifth place.

The leader of the Nor Jamanakner Party says although he does not
support anyone, after the parliamentary election he stated during the
last rally with the Impeachment and the Republic Party that they have
different ideologies but they will come across after the presidential
election. Aram Karapetyan says he disagrees with most ideas of Levon
Ter-Petrosyan and his team but respects them. `These people think
that process is right and they will take that track. We think Armenia
needs new people, we have chosen this track. As to actions, I stated
in the recent rally, I appealed to people, that would come across on
the next day of the presidential election. Because if they are real
opposition and they will see what is going on, and if the rumors that
Levon Ter-Petrosyan will be left in the fourth or fifth place are
true, and yesterday Serge Sargsyan was already preparing for it,
saying that elections are an interesting thing, those who get few
percentage go to the Constitutional Court, go on protest, and so on.
He did not mean me, I was not registered. The team should already
analyze what is being prepared. If they should agree to it, they have
been registered, if they agree, they will agree, if they disagree, we
will come together on the next day,’ Aram Karapetyan says. He rules
out that this government will be reproduced again saying that the
psychological and the geopolitical climates are other.

Felekian Ara:
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