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Creating uncontrollable situations – not allowed

Hayots Ashkharh Daily, Armenia
Dec 6 2007


Yesterday the MPs had the last chance for this year to address
questions to the Government and receive answers directly. And they
used that chance to the full. Some of the questions of the
legislators were answered by Prime Minister SERGE SARGSYAN.

In particular, Larisa Alaverdyan, member of `Heritage’ faction,
encouraged the Prime Minister to intervene in the process of some
court procedures. Serge Sargsyan had to remind for the successive
time that it was beyond the framework of his competences. `How many
times I have repeated from the tribunal of the National Assembly that
the Prime Minister and the Government of the Republic of Armenia do
not have the right to intervene in the affairs of the judiciary
power. If a citizen disagrees with the court decision, he/she may
resort to courts of higher instances and then apply to the European
Court. I cannot intervene in court cases.’

Then, the Prime Minister answered the questions of the

`47 per cent of the 2008 State Budget expenditures is a direct
investment in the human resource system. What name can be given to
the budget, considering this factor?’
`The Budget is a document reflecting the policy in all the
spheres. Both the incomes and the expenditures of the State Budget
have significantly increased. Naturally, those figures imply certain
programs which will be implemented beginning January.
During the National Assembly discussions I called next year’s
budget pretentious. Some people call it social. Those concerned by
the security of our country consider it a budget increasing our
military capacities. And the Minister responsible for the economic
development considers that this is a budget improving the state
administration system. The important thing is that it is necessary to
work painstakingly for the real implementation of the budget.
We must be able to solve two problems. First, we must be able to
reduce the economic shadow, make the tax collection process effective
and increase the means of expenditure. Then, we must be able to
increase the country’s Gross Domestic Product. The implementation of
the 2008 Budget requires a GDP of 10 billion Dollars. Two years ago
our budget made up 5 million Dollars. The annual product per capita
was 1.5 thousand. At the end of 2008 this, figure will reach 3.5
thousand Dollars. This is a budget requiring painstaking work.’
`Mr. Prime Minister, what goals do you have when meeting with
foreign countries’ ambassadors working in Armenia?’
`There is no specific goal. These are working meetings. Such
meetings take place almost every day, and the information about it is
published constantly. If others speak about their meetings with
special enthusiasm, it’s up to them.’
`Why wasn’t Raffi Hovhannisyan allowed to nominate his candidacy?’
`I really feel sorry that there is a legislative bar to Raffi
Hovhannisyan’s nomination, as his running for election might have a
positive role. I am sure that both the electoral processes would have
a more peaceful course and the candidates anticipating to occupy the
second, third and fourth positions would have to take a step down.
But if they hadn’t considered the time-limits prescribed by law,
this would give rise to an uncontrollable situation. For instance,
one of the candidates receiving 4 or 5 per cent of votes as a result
of the elections might make an appeal to the Constitutional Court and
accuse the authorities of registering one of the candidates
illegitimately. Having this argument, he might also make a claim for
declaring the elections invalid.’
`Mr. Prime Minister, what about the cases of the sharp valuation
of the national Dram, one of which was observed during the week-end?
Don’t you consider them dangerous?’
`Yes, I see dangers in terms of national security as well.
Generally, the valuation of the national Drams, or more precisely,
the devaluation of the US Dollar does really give rise to much
concern. Our economy is open and small. Therefore, it is vulnerable.
The storm in the ocean is especially dangerous for small boats.
Likewise, this whirlwind of the devaluation of the Dollar on the
international markets is very dangerous for the economy of Armenia.
On top of all, there’s another peculiarity. Our citizens receive
huge sums of money from their relatives living in the Russian
Federation, the United States and other countries. On the one hand
the devaluation of the Dollar deteriorates the social conditions of
those people, since the prices on the market won’t decrease either.
On the other hand, those sums cause additional devaluation, since
there is constantly a large dollar mass entering into the market.
We are taking serious steps, since this situation does not
contribute to the implementation of one of our priorities, i.e.
stimulating increased volumes of export. However, the steps we take
cannot produce a direct result. But they may be effective in the long
`Information was published that the large-scale dollar
intervention during the week-end was from Turkey.’
`This gives rise to concern too. Within a day, the exchange rate
of the Dollar decreased by about 20 Drams. We have to figure out
whether the step was taken on purpose, in order to harm our economy.
Whether this was a speculation aimed at receiving super-profit and
whether there were interventions by other countries. We have to study
those issues.’
`Once you compared Artashes Geghamyan with an empty drum. What
musical instrument is he like now?’
`Now there have emerged political figures that surpass everybody
in terms of their emptiness.’


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