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Deputies Appealed To Candidates


21:44 04/12/2007

Today speeches and different announcements were made in the Parliament
and were appealed to the candidates.

Viktor Dallakyan, an independent deputy made the first appeal to
them "Do not put negative accents on the sacred pages of founding
the third country and the liberation of NK." He said that he is
sure that the up coming elections are like the ones held in 1998
when Karen Demirchyan returned "In those days people waited for him,
and the political forces were against to his return. But in the case
of Levon Ter-Petrosyan it is vice versa. Will he manage to break the
ice? Time will show." The deputy also mentioned that what is the most
important is not who will be elected, but how he will be elected.

Razmik Zohrabyan, a member of the "Republican" party, was the next
deputy to express his thoughts connected with the theme. He said that
our nation needs "a leader who will support national state problems
and who works in team work", in a word he meant their leader Serjh

The next speaker was again Zohrabyan, but this time Naira. She
particularly appealed to the candidates to hold moral elections. She
continued that they – "Prosperous Armenia" will support their candidate
giving great importance to the morality.

Felekian Ara:
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