Discussion Of Bill On Local Self-Government And Territorial Administ


Noyan Tapan
Dec 04 2007

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 4, NOYAN TAPAN. The discussion of the bill
On Local Self-government and Territorial Administration in the
City of Yerevan and package of amendments and addenda to 21 valid
laws proceeding from it continued at the RA National Assembly on
December 4. The adoption of the bill proceeds from the requirement
of the constitutional amendments adopted two years ago. Taking into
consideration the issue’s importance, a special order of discussion
has been established, according to which proposals on the package
can be submitted until March 15, 2008.

According to the bill authored by the government, Yerevan’s council of
elders and Mayor are local self-government bodies in Yerevan. According
to the constitutional amendments, Armenia’s capital city has not a
status of a region any longer. Yerevan will have its own symbols:
a coat of arms, a flag, a hymn, as well as its own budget.

Yerevan will include 12 administrative districts as communities. They
will correspond to the borders of the current communities. Yerevan
council of elders will consist of 65 members and will be elected by
the proportional system, by parties’ lists.

In difference to the direct election of council of elders by voters,
the Mayor will be elected by an indirect election. If as a result of
the election of council of elders any party receives more than 50%
of the seats of Yerevan councillors, the person being at the top of
the list of that party’s candidates will be considered as elected
Yerevan Mayor. If no party receives more than 50% councillors’ seats,
the election of the Mayor will be reserved for the factions of the
council of elders. The candidate, who will receive the majority of
the total number of councillors’ votes, will be elected.

A person having turned 30, having RA citizenship and being a member of
Yerevan council of elders, who does not have citizenship of another
country, can be elected Yerevan Mayor. He will be elected for the
whole term of the authorities of council of elders having elected him,
for four years.