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NKR: Editor’s column

Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Dec 5 2007

Column of the editor

"In what culture is the place of Armenia, European or
Asian?",-the inflaming passions round this questions cause surprise
and indignation. What do we mean by saying "european
culture"?-nothing about it. "What do we mean by saying "Asia?",
-nothing. What is understood under "european culture", consists of
numerous planes. It mustn’t regard it as an organic phenomenon, that
is to say as a whole emergence formed on a basis of the junction of
mutual necessary parts. For example, european system of a state’s
governing has not any connection with taday’s liberal worths. From
emancipation to understrained glorifying of role and rights of an
individual. Glorifying of an individual’s rights and abasement of the
society’s rights is a nonsense.
The rights of public creature cannot predominate over its
society’s rights. The part cannot be more important from the whole.
So if the first – the system of state’s governing, which was born in
european culture and for a time passed an experimentation as
comparatively the most purposeful method of political, state
organization of the society, for us (just for all) it’s a necessary
stage in the process of improving and building of the statehood, so
the second and the third for a time didn’t pass an experimentation
and courted disaster of the West.Terrible disaster! Thank God! It’s
better late, than never. Europe wakes up, by hard fatal
But in Erevan, not foolish political uncles inquire in the
circles of common people "Where does your will incline, safe Europe
or … Asia?". Very stupid statement of the question. So-so. As if
they speak with children:whom do like more, father or mother?
Why should I give my preference to either Europe or Asia? What is
understood under "Asia" or "Russia", let’s throw away without
analytical trainings. What about modern european society, so I’ll say
the following:
Before speaking about the shortcomings of "european house", let’s
remind once again a well-known primitive truth, such positive
european achievements as high standard of living and low infant
mortality rate, devotion and decrease of agression and many things
are worthy of the highest estimation.
The inadmissible.The modern european idea affirms, that there are
not exclusive worths. In european society, a person is very free, he
depends neither the God or the nature. There isn’t a system of worths
accepted by all. Every human desire, which doesn’t penetrate into
society with criminal code, is permitted, but the criminal code must
adopt more and more to enbroadening freedoms of an individual…..
Abolishing the responsibility, the western culture by slow action
makes a deed. Self-abolishing deed.
The society cannot exist, if the principle of pleasure is stated
as a main vital principle.
The compromise is stated as a well-known worth. So, in Europe
there isn’t any word about innerunification, not Europe, so Asia. No.
All, eitherAsia, or Europe, or the others, must strive for the
situation, which is called commonsense ans justice.
They will not oblige us to accept their destroying basic-liberal
worths, they won’t stand aside from our friendship, if they are sure,
that we live by the rules of justice and commonsense.

Torosian Aram:
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