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Vartan Oskanian: Armenia Appreciates Russia’s Efforts In Issue Of Na


Noyan Tapan
Dec 04 2007

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 4, NOYAN TAPAN. In the course of advancing extension
of the political dialog, the Armenian-Russian economic cooperation has
been also advanced to the proper level, the Armenian foreign minister
Vartan Oskanian said during an interview to the Russian newspaper
"Kommersant" when speaking about the relations with Russia as a
strategic partner of Armenia.

According to him, a high level of cooperation has been achieved in
such sectors as trade, transport, energy and industry. The amount
of Russian investments in the Armenian economy has considerably
grown. At the same time, in his opinion, more can be achieved in
trade and economic relations, which is hindered at the current stage
by the absence of overland links – motor and railway communication.

V. Oskanian said that Armenia appreciates Russia’s efforts in the
issue of regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem in the format of
the OSCE Minsk Group, in which Russia, along with the US and France,
is a co-chair.

The Armenian foreign minister stated that taking into account the
Armenian-Russian strategic partnership, including in the defence
sphere, participation in the Collective Security Treaty Organization
(CSTO) is of essential importance to Armenia. "At the same time,
we are deepening our relations with NATO, which supplements our
security system. The major goal of Armenia’s regional policy has been
and will be inadmissibility of formation of any dividing lines in the
region. We proceed from the interests of all sides, and I think that
by means of consultations, we should strive that no dividng lines
will form in the region even in conditions of belonging to various
security alliances," V. Oskanian stated.

He refuted the Azerbaijani side’s statements that part of the arms
taken from Georgia to the military base in Gyumri, goes to Nagorno
Karabakh. In his words, such statements of Baku pursue propaganda
goals. "The side, which is concerned about a far-fetched growth
of armament in the region, itself violated norms of the Treaty on
Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, does not conceal its militaristic
mood and has stated its intention – repeatedly, even at the highest
levels – to give a military solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh
problem. This can definitely influence the current negotiation
process," V. Oskanian said.

Tashjian Arbi:
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