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Armenian observers content with Russian elections


17:32 05/12/2007


The Armenian observers from RA Central Electoral
Committee (CEC) have conducted a short-term
observation mission during the parliamentary elections
in Russian Federation and reported no violations. ”It
is interesting that polling stations were opened at
the stations and airport for citizens that were on
trips so that they could vote and after that leave,”
CEC department head Sevak Hovannisyan told
Panorama.am. The Armenian observation group consisting
of four persons could observe in 11 polling stations.
OSCE and PACE observers announced that the Russian
elections were ”not free and fair”. Asked if the
Armenian observers could observe similar trends,
Hovannisyan said: ”I cannot say anything particular.
May be those elections were viewed from another
perspective. May be the viewpoint was conditioned by
the fact that there was no long-term observation
mission. It is not worth giving such an assessment for
a short-term observation mission.”

Source: Panorama.am

Tashjian Arbi:
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