Kler Delesar: "Armenia and Azerbaijan take up military measures"


17:31 05/12/2007


`’Now Armenia and Azerbaijan are taking up military
measures,” representative of the International Crisis
Group Kler Delesar announced during the announcement
of the report on Nagorno Karabakh. In his words,
resumption of military actions between the two
countries may be possible in 2012 when Azerbaijan’s
oil revenues will go down.
”Oil money has given a new confidence to Azerbaijan
and provided funds for the modernization of the
military forces. It seems Azerbaijan wants to postpone
any peaceful initiation unless the military balance is
on its side. Yerevan that unexpectedly reported
economic achievements has also become more uncomplying
and has increased its military expenditures. It means
that time is working on its favor. The independence of
Nagorno Karabakh will be harder and harder to
ignore,” the document says. The authors of the report
warn the Western countries that the first victims of
the war in Nagorno Karabakh will be the oil and gas
pipelines in the vicinity of Karabakh that have
special significance for the West.
”We are sorry that the parties do not demonstrate
strong political will and the governments of both
countries do not prepare their societies for the
settlement of the conflict,” he said voicing his
disappointment that Armenia and Azerbaijan could not
achieve an arrangement around the suggestions of OSCE
Minsk Group.

Source: Panorama.am

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