Russian TV shows Russian Military base in Armenia

Zvezda TV, Russia
Dec 5 2007


by Russian Zvezda TV, Defence Ministry controlled, promotes patriotic

[Presenter] A new training year has begun at the Russian military
base in Armenia. However, the servicemen marked it on active service
rather than by sitting at desks. Combat is the best training,
military commanders say. Vadim Astafyev reports on how they learn how
to protect Russian skies on Armenian land.

[Correspondent] To detect an airspace intruder before it crosses the
border is the main task of the air defence units of the 102nd Russian
military base. The task is performed here, at the control station, in
cooperation with the Armenian armed forces.

[Aleksandr Kevin, captioned as deputy head of staff of the air
defence missile battery of the 102nd Russian military base] We have
our own control centre where both our and Armenian duty officers
work. Consequently, when we receive some information, we share it
with them thanks to our cooperation, and they share their information
with us.

[Correspondent] This is a radar station. Next to the radar there is a
control station. The term of duty here is six weeks, then a nine-day
leave, four weeks of regular service and again 45 days of duty. Manuk
Oganesyan, a senior sergeant serving on a contract, has been working
like this for 12 years.

[Manuk Oganesyan, captioned as commander of a radar intelligence
unit] Getting a job was the key consideration. Also, there are
benefits such as a travel allowance, housing conditions are likely to
improve upon retirement, pension. That’s why we’ve stayed.

[Correspondent] If living conditions are good, nothing can distract a
radio intelligence officer from performing his task. Information
appears straight on the display of the duty officer at the joint
control centre. The command to destroy an intruder is sent from here.
Servicemen of the 102nd Russian military base guard the southern
borders of our country. The place where the commander reads out his
orders is called a ceremony square. In case of an alert it takes
servicemen only six minutes to take their action posts and start
their mission.

[Sergey Fedchenko, captioned as commander of the 2nd air defence
missile battery of the 102nd Russian military base] The unit has a
task of protecting and defending the state border of the Republic of
Armenia within the impact area along the state border and also of
alerting the 102nd military base troops about foreign aircraft
trespassing the state border and informing them about aircraft in

[Correspondent] In six months conscripts called up for one-year
service will be taught how to operate modern air defence systems.