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Massis Weekly Online – Volume 27, Issue 44 (1344)

Massis Weekly Online

VOLUME 27, ISSUE 44 (1344)

– Council Of Europe Presses For Clean Armenian Vote
– New Public Movement "Legitimate President 2008" Launched
– NCI Public Hearing Focuses On Armenia?s Mining Sector
– AMAA?s 88th Annual Meeting And Related Activities Takes Place in Chicago
– Haig and Isabel Berberian Endowed Chair of Armenian Studies
– Executive Branch Appeasement Of Turkey Continues


– Council Of Europe Presses For Clean Armenian Vote

YEREVAN — A visiting senior official from the Council of Europe
Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) urged Armenia?s leadership Wednesday to
ensure that the upcoming presidential elections mark an improvement
over last May?s parliamentary polls.
Georges Colombier, a rapporteur for a PACE body monitoring Armenia?s
compliance with its membership commitments to the Strasbourg-based
organization, said the February 19 elections should be markedly
different from the weekend election to Russia?s State Duma strongly
criticized by the West. ?I hope that they will not take place the way
they did in Russia,? he said.
Preparations for the vote were high on the agenda of Colombier?s talks
with government officials and representatives of the country?s main
political parties. ?I told the prime minister and my other
interlocutors this morning that the presidential elections must be
conducted better than the parliamentary elections of May 2007 were,?
the PACE official told reporters before his meeting with Kocharian.
?Those elections were not handled badly. But everything must be done
to make the February 19 elections more democratic.?
The upcoming vote was also a key theme of Sarkisian?s lunch meeting on
Wednesday with the Yerevan-based ambassadors of leading European Union
member states.The Armenian premier also discussed preparations for the
presidential election at a separate meeting with the U.S. charge
d?affaires in Yerevan, Joseph Pennington, on Tuesday. A government
statement cited Pennington as saying that the U.S. government is ready
to fund a first-ever exit poll in Armenia?s history that would be
overseen by the U.S. non-governmental International Republican
Institute (IRI).

– New Public Movement "Legitimate President 2008" Launched

YEREVAN — Members of a new organization entitled Legitimate
President-2008, established to support former President Levon
Ter-Petrossian?s candidacy in the presidential election scheduled for
February 19, 2008, argued on December 4 that Prime Minister Serzh
Sarkisian, the current leadership?s presidential candidate, should
step down in order to create ?a level playing field? for the election
Garnik Markarian, one of the organization?s leaders, said it will
stage rallies aimed at coercing Sarkisian to resign; he said it will
also take unspecified actions to prevent the vote-rigging which
Ter-Petrossian has publicly predicted. ?If the candidates holding one
or another [government] post want to participate in a free and fair
election and are concerned with the country?s future, they must resign
their posts,? said Markarian. ?This primarily applies to Serzh
In the words of SD Hunchakian Party chairlady Lyudmila Sargsian,
another Legitimate President-2008 leader, the movement will also
launch a public relations campaign aimed at persuading people not to
sell their votes to progovernment candidates. She said other
opposition candidates should also join the new grouping if they are
interested in a clean vote.
?If they want to get elected, they have to join us because the other
camp shows no desire to hold a free and fair election,? Sargsian told
a news conference. Sargsian stated that the new movement includes all
the political parties and NGOs which support Levon Ter-Petrosyan. The
purpose of Legitimate President 2008 is to shape a democratic and
legitimate government to stop Armenia from turning a colony, a fort,
and become truly independent. ?Therefore, we urge the political
parties and citizens of the Republic of Armenia to act consciously,
resist minor temptations and realize that by selling their vote for
five thousand drams they sell their future and the future of their
children,? Sargsian said.

– NCI Public Hearing Focuses On Armenia?s Mining Sector

YEREVAN — The National Citizens? Initiative (NCI) has convened a
public hearing to examine the advantages -in terms of economic growth
– and the drawbacks -with respect to environmental catastrophe – of a
project toward the operation of a coppermolybdenum mine in the area
surrounding the Teghut village in northern Armenia. The meeting
brought together social and political activists, NGO officials,
analysts, and media representatives.
NCI associate Davit Sanasarian welcomed the audience with opening
remarks. ?The exploitation of the Teghut mine is an actual matter and
it calls for serious discussions and proper suggestions prior to the
undertaking of this project,? he said.
In his intervention, Hovhannes Nikoghosian from the Armenian Institute
of Mountain Metallurgy spoke in detail about the Teghut mining
project. He informed that a comprehensive study was conducted before
the decision to operate the mine and the results of this study were
summarized in a 12-volume work plan. ?The issue that relates to the
neighboring communities is the socioeconomic development, which
creates jobs and reduces work migration, against the ecological
damage, which is a normal phenomenon in any mining industry,?
Nikoghosian maintained. In his view, all other ensuing matters,
including the environmental issues, usually are resolved only after
registering economic growth.
In his turn, Hakob Sanasarian of the Greens? Union of Armenia explored
the ecological consequences of activating the Teghut mine. He brought
attention to the inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the aforesaid
work plan and expressed a deep conviction that this proposal lacked
legal and scientific evidence. What is more, in Sanasarian?s firm
belief, this plan has not been actually tested and therefore needs a
reevaluation. ?If carried out, this project will cause a huge
environmental damage to the wildlife, rivers, and roads, the nearby
communities will become desolate, and a vast forest-covered area will
be destroyed as 357 hectares, or approximately 127 thousand trees,
will be cut down,? he argued.
The remainder of the session was dedicated to an exchange of views and
recommendations among the public figures and policy specialists in
attendance. Noteworthy were interventions by Sahak Karapetian and
Taguhi Karapetian from the Vallex Group; chairwoman Karine Danielian
of the ?Sustainable Human Development? NGO; economist Dr. Tatoul
Manasserian; chairwoman Srbuhi Harutiunian of the Social-Ecological
Association; and several others. What is the correlation between the
benefits and shortcomings of the Teghut project? Is the Armenian
government, which has declared the mining industry as paramount,
prepared to shoulder the responsibility for the adverse outcome of
such projects? These were the main civic concerns expressed by the
discussants during the exchange of opinions and recommendations.

– AMAA?s 88th Annual Meeting And Related Activities Takes Place in Chicago

CHICAGO — The Armenian Evangelical Church located at 905 West Golf
Road, Mount Prospect, IL hosted the 88th annual meeting and related
activities of the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA)
held from October 12-15, 2007.
On the morning of October 12, the Armenian Evangelical World Council
(AEWC) met at the church which was followed by a seminar presented by
Mr. Ted Haro, a friend and student of Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian,
challenging everyone to be active in the church and community. After a
delicious dinner organized by the ladies of the church, the AMAA Board
of Directors met under the leadership of Dr. H. Steven Aharonian,
President and Mr. Andrew Torigian, Executive Director.
The 88th Annual Meeting took place on October 13. It was very
rewarding to hear the reports of all the AMAA committees, and Armenian
Evangelical Churches and organizations worldwide. All who were present
were very proud to hear that the AMAA raises funds to help the needy
around the world, especially our homeland Armenia.
It was a special treat to attend the AMAA’s 89th Anniversary dinner at
a local banquet hall. The evening’s activities were organized in
cooperation with the AMAA and the host church. Mr. Torigian welcomed
those in attendance and the invocation was offered by Rev. Sam
Agulian, the pastor of the host church. Dr. George Aynilian, Master of
Ceremonies, thanked God for the host church and mentioned about the
church’s strong affiliation with the AMAA. After dinner, the keynote
speaker, Honorable Judge Samuel Der-Yeghiayan, stated that he is very
proud of the AMAA, which helps thousands of people worldwide. "Life is
a choice," he said., "we all can make good or bad choices. The will is
It was an inspiring message given by a Federal Judge. The evening’s
entertainment was provided by Mr. Artin Kendimian, a renowned Baritone
>From the Chicago area, singing Armenian and other folk songs. The
closing prayer and benediction was given by Rev. Gilbert Leonian,
President of the Armenian Evangelical Fellowship of Europe. The
activities came to a spiritual conclusion when everyone gathered at
the new church edifice of the host church for Sunday morning worship.
Mr. Torigian presented the list of AMAA members who passed away during
the year and offered a memorial prayer for their families. There were
two dynamic preachers that morning. The Rev. Ronald Tovmassian, the
Moderator of the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA)
gave the English sermon challenging the Church to make Christ the head.
Rev. Berj Djambazian gave the Armenian sermon challenging the church
to be compassionate as Christ. He thanked God for the mighty work of
the AMAA, showing real compassion where there is need. At the end of
the service, Rev. Dr. Vahan Tootikian installed the new AMAA Board
members. The closing remarks and benediction was given by Rev. Joseph
Matossian, Minister to the Union.
The AEUNA Board meetings were also held at the church on Sunday
evening and Monday morning. Once again, thanks be to God for this
great opportunity to come together with diverse Evangelical
organizations. Special thanks to all who worked hard in making this
event a success. Lastly, thanks to the AMAA for bringing the Armenian
Evangelical world together. The 89th Annual Meeting of the AMAA
celebrating the 90th Anniversary of the organization is scheduled for
October 2008 in Paramus, NJ.

– Haig and Isabel Berberian Endowed Chair of Armenian Studies

FRESNO — The College of Arts and Humanities and Armenian Studies
Program at California State University, Fresno, invite applications
for the Haig and Isabel Berberian Endowed Chair of Armenian Studies.
This position, central to the Armenian Studies Program, will be
tenure-track at the rank of assistant or associate professor, to begin
in the fall of 2008. Rank and salary are commensurate with
qualifications and experience. Ph.D. required by the time of
Candidates must demonstrate excellence in teaching and research. A
record of distinguished publication and research in any aspect of
Armenian studies in arts, humanities, or social sciences is expected,
as well as strong commitment to undergraduate teaching and active
participation in the life of the Center for Armenian Studies. Fluency
in Armenian is required.
The successful candidate will be expected to lead the Armenian Studies
Program, teach undergraduate courses in the Armenian Studies
curriculum, supervise and assist student research, serve on college
and university committees, engage in community service, interact with
faculty and students in related fields, conduct independent research,
present public lectures, and may be called upon to coordinate the
Armenian Studies Program.
The successful candidate may be called upon to teach in a distance
education mode and will be expected to work cooperatively with faculty
and staff in the program and college. Please send letter of
application which outlines your interests in teaching and research as
well as your vision for the future of Armenian Studies, C.V., three
current letters of reference, and a representative publication to:
Professor Magdalena Gilewicz Chair of the Armenian Studies Search
Committee College of Arts and Humanities Office of the Dean California
State University, Fresno 2380 E. Keats M/S MB 99, Fresno, CA
93740-8024 magdag@csufresno.edu. Phone: 559-278-4926 278-3056; Fax:
559-278- 6758
The committee welcomes applications from members of diverse
populations and those who are interested in and experienced with
community engagement. To ensure full consideration, applicants should
submit all required materials by January 15, 2008. Position is open
until filled.

– Op-Ed
Executive Branch Appeasement Of Turkey Continues

By Gene Rossides

The latest example of the Executive Branch appeasement of Turkey to
the detriment of U.S. interests concerns the Armenian Genocide
resolutions in the House of Representatives, H. Res. 106 and the
Senate, S. Res. 106.
The vote on H. Res. 106 in the House Foreign Affairs Committee took
place on October 10, 2007. The resolution passed 27 to 21 on October
10, 2007, despite a massive lobbying campaign by the White House, the
State and Defense Departments and the Turkish government.
The government of Turkey is spending over $3.6 million annually for
lobbyists including former Congressmen Bob Livingston and Dick
Gephardt, DLA Piper and Fleishman-Hillard, public relations specialists.
As a presidential candidate in 2000, Bush pledged that he would make
sure that ?our nation properly recognizes? that: ?The Armenians were
subjected to a genocidal campaign that defies comprehension and
commands all decent people to remember and acknowledge the facts.?
Bush however failed to use the term genocide in the annual April 24
presidential statement on the subject. President Clinton also refused
to use the term genocide in his April 24 statements. April 24 is the
date generally considered the start of the killings of Armenians in
1915 by the ?Young Turks? under the Pashas which lasted into 1923
under Ataturk.
Bush urged the Congress and the members of the House Foreign Affairs
Committee not to vote for H. Res. 106. The State and Defense
Departments went all out to defeat it. The State Department obtained
the signatures of all eight living former secretaries of state on a
joint letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) which
contained a warning that H. Res. 106, a non-binding resolution ?would
endanger our national security interests in the region, including the
safety of our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.?
I concur with those 27 Representatives who voted for H. Res. 106 and
who, in effect, question the thesis of the joint letter and its
accuracy. I concur with Congressman Brad Sherman (D-California) a
principal sponsor of H. Res. 106 who said in his opening statement in
the Committee on October 10, 2007 prior to the vote:
?What happened in 1915 to 1923"
In the area now encompassed by Turkey, the Armenian population was two
million. Eight years later it was virtually zero. Our own ambassador
to the Ottoman Empire stated what happened: "When the Turkish
authorities gave the orders for these deportations, they were merely
giving the death warrant to a whole race; they understood this well,
and, in their conversations with me, they made no particular attempt
to conceal the fact."
Or turn to Mustaffa Arriff, the last minister of the Interior of the
Ottoman Empire, who said, "Our war time leaders?decided to
exterminated the Armenians, and they did exterminate them." It is
right for this Congress to recognize a genocide particularly when it
is denied. Genocide denial is not only the last step of a genocide, it
is the first step in the next genocide. When Hitler had to convince
his cohorts that the world would let them get away with it, he turned
to them and said, "Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of
the Armenians?"
Opponents say that Turkey will be angry?.This Committee has condemned
particular actions of such great allies such as England and Canada. We
cannot provide genocide denial as one of the perks of friendship with
the United States.
? ? ? ?
We are told that if we pass this resolution Turkey will react against
us. Beyond the moral bankruptcy of such threats lies Turkey?s
long-standing practice of trying to win through intimidation, and then
when a resolution is passed, doing little or nothing.
Despite threats of harsh retribution, Turkey has taken either no steps
at all, or token diplomatic steps, against Canada, France, Germany,
Italy, Belgium, Argentina, and more than 10 other countries that have
recognized the Armenian Genocide. Forty of the United States have
recognized the Armenian Genocide, and their trade with Turkey has gone
up. My own state of California formally recognized the Armenian
Genocide in 1997 and our exports to Turkey have been doing just fine,
thank you.
The best example, and the biggest battle, was France, which in 2001
was threatened by Turkey with a trade boycott if it recognized the
Armenian Genocide. The French went ahead and recognized that genocide.
The chart shows you what happened?a near tripling of French exports to
? ? ? ?
This resolution is supported by virtually every scholar of genocide,
and by both the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and the
Arab-American Institute.
Finally, we are asked, "Why act now?" Turkey will be a better ally if
we speak the truth. Turkey will be an even better ally if Turkey
speaks the truth.
But we also have very personal reasons to act now. Today, at this
Committee meeting, we have with us four people who survived the
Armenian Genocide. They are in their 90s and 100s. We cannot tell
them, "Wait. Come back in a few years." Let these survivors see the
country that gave them refuge also give them justice?while they are
still here to see it.?
Clearly there are several alternatives to Incirlik air base in Turkey
for logistical support of our troops in Iraq. And Turkey?s troops are
not welcome in Iraq.
Because of the Turkish threats to stop the use of Incirlik air base
and overflight rights by the U.S. if the House of Representatives
passes H. Res. 106, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the principal sponsors of
the bill have postponed bringing the bill to the House floor for a
vote at this time.
Congressman Sherman put it well when he wrote ?Americans must ask
Turkey, when has it become fashionable for friends to threaten friends??
Turkey’s negotiating tactics
It is important to remember Turkey?s negotiating tactics. Martin
Gilbert, the world renowned historian and biographer of Churchill, in
a conference at the Library of Congress on the Armenian Genocide
summarized Turkey’s negotiating tactics as follows:
(1)Admit nothing and deny everything; (2)lie; and (3)attack, attack,
attack. Turkey’s threats against the U.S. if the House passes H. Res.
106 is an example of ?attack.? The Executive Branch (White House,
State and Defense Departments) response is shameful and exposes a deep
weakness in our diplomatic policy. The State and Defense Departments
of successive administration have practiced a policy of appeasement of
Turkey and a policy of double standards on the rule of law for Turkey.
U.S.-Turkey policy based on false premises
The added disgrace of the Executive Branch policies regarding Turkey
is that they are based on false premises. Ted Galen Carpenter, the
Vice President for Defense and Foreign Policy Studies of the respected
CATO Institute in Washington, D.C. is one of our nation?s leading
defense and foreign policy analysts. His recent remarks on U.S.-Turkey
relations on November 13 at an American Hellenic Institute (AHI) Noon
Forum are important. Dr. Carpenter set forth clearly and cogently the
reason why the ?conventional wisdom in American foreign policy circles
regarding Turkey? is in error.
He lists four assumptions of the ?conventional wisdom? and then
demonstrates that each of them is ?partially false or totally false.?
His remarks should be required reading in the State and Defense
Departments, the National Security Council and the Congress. The AHI
will distribute these remarks to each Representative, Senator, the
President and Executive Branch officials.
Dr. Carpenter stated that the conventional wisdom in American foreign
policy circles regarding Turkey asserts the following four
propositions: First , that Turkey has been a loyal ally of the United
States since the earliest days of the Cold War and remains a loyal ally.
Second, that Turkey is a force for stability in the Middle East and
Central Asia in addition to its role within NATO and European affairs.
Third, that Turkey is basically a Western secular country.
Fourth, Turkey is a good candidate that should be admitted to the
European Union in the near future.
Dr. Carpenter in his remarks demonstrated ?that every one of those
assumptions is either partially false or totally false.?What is needed
in the interests of the U.S. is a critical review of U.S.- Turkey
relations by the Congress, the Executive Branch and the academic and
think tank communities. Get active- call and write the President and
your representative and two senators and tell them it is not in the
interests of the U.S. to continue appeasing Turkey and applying a
double standard on the rule of law for Turkey.

Gene Rossides is President
of the American Hellenic Institute
and former Assistant Secretary of
the Treasury

Massis Weekly Online
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From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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