Categories: News

"Once You Have Money Your Rights Will Be Protected"


[06:30 pm] 10 December, 2007

Human rights are violated in the Republic of Armenia.

They are infringed at each step every day, Alexander Ghazarian said in
reply to A1+’s question whether human rights are protected in Armenia.

December 10 is the International Day of Human Rights.

Today A1+ held a poll among Yerevan civilians with regard to human
rights protection in the country.

Most of the respondents say that human rights are mostly violated in
the prosecutor’s office and police.

People are forced to bear false testimony.

They are locked in cells and subjected to pressure.

Finally you are to surrender and obey their instructions to survive,"
David Hakobian says.

Applicants from well-off families are admitted to higher educational
institutions as they can afford tuition bill. This is merely an
infringement of students’ rights, student Naira Vardanian said.

Human rights are violated in public transportation, streets, working
places and military units, Arthur Demirchian says.

Our civilians are confident that the Ombudsman will hardly help them to
restore their violated rights as "he is dependent of the authorities."

None of the respondents thinks human rights are protected in Armenia.

Karagyozian Lena:
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