Prime Minister To Visit Brussels And Strasbourg


Dec 10 2007

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 10, ARMENPRESS: Prime minister Serzh Sarkisian left
December 9 to Brussels, (Belgium) and then he will travel to Strasbourg

The government press office said Sarkisian’s entourage comprises
education and science minister Levon Mkrtchian, deputy foreign minister
Armen Bayburtian, heads of government departments and other officials.

The press office said the Armenian delegation will arrive in Brussels
on December 9 evening. It said the prime minister is scheduled to
have meetings with heads of a number of Europeans organizations.

On December 10 morning he will meet with EU foreign policy and security
commissioner, Javier Solana, education and research commissioner Janes
Potocnik, chairman of the European People’s Party Wilfrid Matens,
NATO secretary general Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and Brussels mayor
Fred Tielmans.

On December 11 the Armenian delegation will head to Strasbourg,
where Serzh Sarkisian will meet with the Council of Europe secretary
general Terry Davis, European Parliament president Hans-Gert
Pottering, European Parliament’s foreign relations committee chairman
Jazcek Saryuz-Wolski and EU foreign relations commissioner Benita

The government press office said prime minister Serzh Sarkisian will
give interviews also to Reuters news agency, EuroNews TV channel,
La Stampa and the Financial Times newspapers.