Having Gone Mad, These People May Talk Any Nonsense

Lilit Poghosyan

Hayots Ashkharh Daily
Dec 11 2007

Having fully justified the viewpoint that it isn’t worth focusing on
Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s personality, we cannot resist the temptation of
calling things by their names after analyzing this person’s titanic

Relying on the puppets, the ignorant and the political clowns, the
generalists of the "new pan-national movement" were so furious at the
most recent polls conducted by "Gelup" that they would tread upon
anything that "came in the way", like bulls suffering from rabies
because of some red scrap.

Continuing to thoroughly proofread and re-edit the newest history of
Armenia within the frameworks of the keynote clause known as "history
is a false category", Levon Efendi gave way to his fantasy, making
a number of fresh scandalous statements. Let’s touch upon some of them.

In particular, LTP didn’t lose a moment for mapping the heads of those
who accused him of pursuing pro-Turkish views. "Being pro-Turkish
is discussed by people who obsequiously served the Turks for a long
time in their life. " By saying Turks, we mean Azerbaijan, and being
inside the territory of that country, surviving there in the status
of autonomy and leading a life-and-death struggle turns out to be
nothing more than "obsequiousness".

In response to the request to comment upon the above-mentioned, ROUDIK
HYOUSNOUTS, Vice Speaker of the NKR National Assembly, considered that
there was no need to make any comment on such cynical encroachment upon
Karabakh and its people. "Some presidential candidates are trying to
gain dividends by speculating the Karabakh issue. It would be better
for each candidate to introduce his own programs. As regards the
statements of this kind, I am sure they do not bring any dividends
to anyone. On the contrary, they bring a harm to their reputation,
our interlocutor expressed such an opinion.

In response to our question, HAMLET HAROUTYUNYAN, Head of "Artsakh"
compatriots’ union said, "Going beyond the impermissible form of
criticism testifies to the weakness of the opponent. This is the first
thing to say. Besides, if Karabakh didn’t have leaders who maintained
NKAR as an Armenian-populated political unit, Artsakh would be one
of our successive Armenian-deserted territories.

Being small in number, the Armenians living in Karabakh were not
to blame that they were living on the territory of Azerbaijan,
and no one has any moral right to accuse the people of Karabakh and
the NKAR authorities of ‘serving Azerbaijan’. This is a political
short-mindedness. I believe any sensible person will judge that way.

Moreover, knowing the former economic and political leaders of
Karabakh, I can say that I have never seen anyone among them who would
"obsequiously serve the Turks". One the contrary, I have seen people
who, under tremendous pressure, managed to preserve Karabakh with
their teeth clenched and achieve the country’s independence."

LTP’s most extraordinary accusations, however, are addressed to
those who conducted Armenia’s foreign policy after 1998 "without
any sense of guilt". Criticizing the authorities’ "courageous"
attitude of including the recognition of Genocide into the foreign
policy agenda and making it a subject of "primitive imitation",
the former outstanding figure announces that these people confuse
practical politics from "swaggering". In particular, "when they
demand that the American Congress recognize the Armenian Genocide,
I am sure that this body must satisfy their demand."

Well, to what extent should one be detached from the reality or
take himself for a long-eared animal in order to cut such a foolish
figure? Are we supposed to explain to the first President that Armenia
has not and could not ever have "demanded" under any circumstances
that the US Congress recognize the Armenian Genocide?

In response to our question, the MFA Press-Secretary VLADIMIR KARAPEYAN
stated that the only response the official; Yerevan made with regard
to Resolution # 106 recognizing the Armenian Genocide was that "we
just welcomed the fact that the Resolution was passed by US House of
Foreign Affairs Committee." What’s more, "we have always mentioned in
official comments that it was the initiative of the Armenian citizens
of the United States, and they see to it that Congress gives approves
the document. This was our comment."

The same also concerns the demand of "de-freezing" Resolution 907
prohibiting humanitarian aid to Azerbaijan. The demand was addressed
to the official Washington by the Armenian authorities and … was
frozen; the resolution was ineffective and continues to be held up
thanks to the "administration of the chieftains".

As the hero, the RA ex-President would say, his statement contained
"No single word worth a penny" after so many exaggerated lies.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS