I’m Not A Politician, I’m A Journalist


Azat Artsakh Tert
Dec 11 2007
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

Interview with the chief editor of the newspaper of "Aravot" Aram

– Mr Abrahamyan, you prefer politics for about 15 years. Is it vocation
or simply activity?

– I’m not a politician, I graduated from conservatoire, I was a state
official in the war years, now I’m a journalist – Nevertheless, how
do you explain the return of the first president into public politics?

– I think he feels high responsibility for our country and the
settlement of Karabakh question. He tries to prevent our country from
dangerous tendencies.

– After 10 years of silence the appearance of Levon Ter Petrosyan
on political scene as "the first attacker" was unexpectedness for
many people.

– I’m not agree with the formulation. The power and its propaganda
is the "first attacker" criticizing the first president for 10 years.

– There’s opinion that our public life is too politicized, don’t you
think the Press plays important role in it?

– I don’t think so. The people think about their daily bread, incomes
and it is quite natural. Those, who are insatisfied, they complain
of the authorities.

– We always appeal to the word of democracy, even we try to explain
today’s situation by the thesis – I don’t know how the others
understand the sense of the word.

The democracy means the power of the people. When the people elect
their authorities and the minority is given the chance to express
their point of view.

– Mr Abrahamyan, which of many candidates have chances to be in 2nd
tour, whose chances are more real?

– I can’t predict anything yet. If all remains as it is, Serge Sargsyan
will win. But it’s possible some will change for next 3 months.

– But the first president is aware the authorities’ candidate has
much resources than others have.

– I don’t know what the first president is thinking about, I don’t
see the perspectives that he ‘ll be in second tour. But, perhaps,
I’m not right, there can be the situation which is not predictable now.

– In his speeches the first president hints that Karabakh must be
the part of Azerbaijan – It’s impossible. No politician in Armenia
even if he wants can not do it against the will of Karabakh people,
I think Karabakh must participate in the elections and Karabakh status
definition must be postponed for indefinite time. In the question
of the status armenian and azeri approachings are so different that
it’s senseless even to discuss them – Do you consider the political
confrontation is possible in Armenia judging by situation?

– No I don’t want to think about it. Certainly, preelection campaign
will be intense but I am sure noone will provoke the confrontation. The
majority of the people will not go on the barricades for any candidate
– The opinion exists that your newspaper is steady and informationally
objective in editor’s words but there’s subjectiveness on the rest
pages of the newspaper.

– I don’t agree . The parity is kept between authorities’ and
opposition’s views. I’m sorry if there are people who notice
subjectiveness in our newspaper.

– Mr Abrahamyan, don’t you think that under the cover of pluralism
too many parties appeared ? If it’s not correct to unite them on the
basis of political ideology?

– It would be right because 70-80 parties for 3mln Armenia is
innatural. At last, there can not be 70-80 ideologies and programs
for the people. From the point of view, enlarging, unification of the
parties is affirmative process – What will you wish to the peole of
Artsakh and the employees of the newspaper of "AA"?

– Patience and unity, will to withstand the victory. Creative power
and energy to the reporters of "Azat Artsakh". I congratulate chief
editor Mourad Petrosyan on the occasion of appointment.