Levon Ter Petrosyan’s Debut Was Almost Perfect


Azat Artsakh Tert
Dec 11 2007
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

Interview with the chief editor of the newspaper of "Azat Artsakh"
Mourad Petrosyan

– Mr Petrosyan, you were engaged in politics for many years. Is it
your vocation or circumstances forced you to?

– It’s vocation. The politics attracted me from school years.

– Today, you consider yourself a politician or a journalist?

– Certainly,I’m a politician. The chief editor is the main link
defining tastes and preferences of this edition.

– How do you explain the return of the first president into public

– L Petrosyan never said he would not return. Leaving the post he said
the phrase"You ‘ll ask me to return again" Last years he periodically
repeated he is always ready to return, but he doesn’t see the enough
wish in people. Judging by his steps, he saw changes in the majority
of the people in relation to his personality – Nevertheless, how do you
explain the return of the first president into public politics? Several
decisive factors influenced on the decision of L Petrosyan. First of
all the failure of all main candidates in parliamentary elections,
2 exaggerated information about loyalty to the 1st president among
ruling class, 3. to miss present moment means to lose forever the
chance to come to power.what concerns to aggressive attack, it’s
natural, because it’s last struggle for him. Neither Kocharyan,
nor Sargsyan let themselves speak badly of him .

– Mr Petrosyan, how do you estimate the chances of candidates for

– L Petrosyan made several deeply thought steps. He met different
powers, first of all the powers who don’t receive his position now
and when he was the president. His 2nd successful step was the speech
to all powers to support his candidature in exchange for promise not
to appoint on highly placed state post any member from the party of
"National Liberation Movement". And the main, he will leave the chair
of the president after 3 years of his election. His debut will not
help him because his main rival S Sargsyan does not sit peacefully.

His game is also perfect and the nearer the final his game becomes
brighter for neutrally intended citizens. S Sargsyan will be elected
the president – Mr Petrosyan do you exclude unexpected factors in
favour of L. Petrosyan, which can be till 19th of february?

– Sooner they will be in favour of S Sargsyan, because the society does
not know his moral and professional qualities. Now it’s time to show
the qualities and he shows them. My forecast is such: L Petrosyan will
get 20-25 percents, V Hovhannisyan-10-15, S Sargsyan-50-55 percents –
Do you consider the political confrontation is possible in Armenia?

– The protests with violence are possible. But I think big problems
are less possible because the difference in results will not be too big