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NKR State Budget 2008


Azat Artsakh Tert
Dec 11 2007
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

Within the scopes of discussion of the project of NKR state budget of
2008, on December 8th auditions took place in the commission of NA
social spheres. By the estimation of the chairman of the commission
A.Avanesian, the state budget of 2008 differs from the previous
ones by underlined social direction. By the brief information of
the ministers of Social Maintenance, Health, Education, Culture and
Youth, the chairmen of State Committee of Sport and Social insurance,
the state budget of 2008 of corresponding spheres, according to the
project, will have the following picture:

Social Maintenance

By the state budget of 2008 the arrangement of the sphere of social
maintenance will be directed to the improvement of demographical
situation, spurring of natural increase of population, social
assistance, improvement of legislation of solving the problems
of social security of a family, invalids and ageds.By the project
of the state budget of 2008, the expenses of the sphere of social
maintenance have increased by 56.9 per cent, moreover, an increase
of common state budget compiles 35 per ecnt.

An increase of expenses of the sphere of pension maintenance is mainly
conditioned by addition of basal pension.. An average insurance
pension in 2008 will compile about 23.800 drams, instead of 14.153
drams of 2007.

An average size of officer pension will be also increased. In 2008
it will compile 60481 drams, instead of 45300 drams.

In the sphere of state benefits 2 billion 632 million drams are
foreseen in the state budget of 2008.

It was foreseen to increase the benefit of unemployment – 15 thousand
drams instead of the previous year’s 12000 drams.

The program of financial aid given to separate groups will be also
continued. Health Service An increase of expenses of the state
budget of 2008 of the sphere compiles 45 per cent. New programs are
foreseen. Dispensary service in rehabilitation centre for patients
of central heavy toxemia, dispensary service in republican hospital.

Expenses of acquiring medicines have increased by 60 per cent. It
was suggested to analyze again the demand and to represent a new
program. A wage of doctors will compile 64000 drams instead of 53000,
out-doctors – 75000 drams, instead of the previous 60000. A wage of
hospital nurse is foreseen 42000 drams, instead of the previous 35000,
out-nurse – 48000drams, instead of the previous 38000 drams.


By the project of the state budget of 2008, in the budget of
educational system 27.6 per cent increase is foreseen and will compile
7 billion 354 million 733 thousand drams.

In the sphere of science an increase of 9 million 159thousand is
conditioned by foresight of expenses of newly formed scientific centre.


By the project of the state budget of 2008 is foreseen to increase a
wage of workers of culture by 20 per cent. Cultural five new hearths
will be created: "Astghik" youthful theatre, "Vernatun" pop ensemble,
recording studio, jazz band, theatrical studio.

30 million drams will be allocated for organizing cultural life in
the communities and district centres. Sport Suggested 197 million 130
thousand drams are foreseen for development of physical training and
sport in NKR. 96 million 836 thousand drams of them were assigned to
sports schools.

For participating in RA and international competitions, the expenses
have been increased by 3 million drams.

For acquiring athletic property, the sum outnumbers the last year’s
level by 19 million drams.

Social insurance

An increase of the budget is conditioned by an increase of pensions by
60 per cent. Besides it, from 2008 a system of individual personified
accounting will be invested, for realization of the first stage of
which 26 million 130 thousand drams have been foreseen.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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