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PM Serge Sargsyan’s Meetings In Brussels


11.12.2007 14:45

On a working visit to Brussels, RA Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan
met with EU Secretary General Javier Solana on December 10th, RA
Government’s Information and Public Relations Department informs.

Welcoming the Armenian Prime Minister to Brussels, Javier Solana
mentioned that the visit came at the right time as presidential
elections are ahead in Armenia.

First of all, Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan conveyed RA President’s
greetings to the Secretary General of the European Union. Noting
that he had so far been responsible for national security and defense
affaires within the government of Armenia, Serge Sargsyan said that
by taking a glance at the EU-Armenia Action Plan in the wake of his
appointment to the post of Prime Minister, he was able to satisfy
himself once again that the logic of the program was matching that
of our country’s development in respect of both internal and external

Serge Sargsyan stressed that elections as part of the democratic
process are among the key challenges facing Armenia: "We are eager
of holding good elections so as they are estimated as such not only
by foreigners, but also by our nationals," the Prime Minister said.

Among the major issues Armenia faces, Serge Sargsyan pointed to the
settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the normalization of
relations with Turkey, the implementation of second-generation reforms.

Javier Solana expressed hope that the forthcoming presidential
elections in Armenia will meet the international standards and offered
the assistance of the European Union in this matter.

The parties further discussed regional issues, including the settlement
of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Serge Sargsyan reiterated Armenia’s
adherence to the peaceful resolution of this conflict. As he said,
while warlike statements have grown in frequency on the part of
Azerbaijan, yet there remain good possibilities for a negotiated
settlement as there is no alternative thereto. Javier Solana agreed
that the armed resolution of the conflict is inadmissible and that
the European Union is determined to prevent the developments from
aggravating to such an extent. The Prime Minister of Armenia said
that, supported by the European Union, Armenia-Turkey relationship,
too, could be settled and that our country suggests establishing
diplomatic ties without preconditions.

Javier Solana emphasized that the forthcoming elections should preclude
any regression in the development of the country and in the settlement
of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The EU Secretary-General said that after the presidential elections,
the cooperation between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia
will focus on the implementation of EU-Armenia Action Plan under the
European Neighborhood Policy, as well as other key areas high on the
bilateral agenda.

In conclusion, Javier Solana wished every success to Prime Minister
Serge Sargsyan and to our country.

During the meeting with EU Commissioner for Science and Research
Janes Potochnik, Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan stressed that along
with expanding the cooperation with the European Union as a whole,
direct contacts should be established with the commissioners in
charge of specific sectors, especially with those commissioners
responsible for areas prioritized by the European Neighborhood
Policy action plan. He said that, in this light, the meeting with
Mr. Potochnik was a key one because science and research, which have
traditionally been important to Armenia, still fall short of modern
market requirements in our country considering that the government
has adopted a research-extensive-economy-oriented policy. In this
context, speaking about the reforms aimed at streamlining research
in Armenia, the Armenian Prime Minister stressed the importance of
the assistance received from the European Commission in the form
of consultancy, seminars, workshops, etc. He similarly prioritized
those EU programs involving Armenia by placing a special focus on
the framework programs and "Marie Cury" project. At the same time,
noting that sometimes funds fail to be distributed equally under
such programs due to high competition, he suggested establishing a
simplified procedure or quotas for those countries incorporated in
the European Neighborhood Policy. Serge Sargsyan said that Armenia
keeps track of the possibilities of scientific cooperation with the
EU in the framework regional organizations, in particular, with the
Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization.

The parties further discussed the measures and mechanisms necessary
for Armenia’s integration with the European research zone.

This meeting with Janes Potochnik was followed by Prime Minister Serge
Sargsyan’s talks with Chairman of the European People’s Party Wilfred
Martens, NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and the Mayor
of Brussels Freddy Tielmans.

Today the delegation headed by RA Prime Minister left for Strasbourg,
where Serge Sargsyan is expected to have meetings with with the
Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis, President of
the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pottering, Chairman of the European
Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Relations Yatsek Sariush-Volski
and EU Commissioner for Foreign Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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