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ANC-PAC Stands In Strong Support Of Congressman Howard Berman


13.12.2007 10:20

Friends and supporters of the Armenian National Committee – Political
Action Committee (ANC-PAC) joined together on Monday, December 10th
to attend an annual fundraiser held in southern California in support
of Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA). The Congressman, who serves
as the second most powerful Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs
Committee, has been a staunch supporter of Armenian American issues
in the 110th Congress. Congressman Berman represents over 600,000
residents of California’s 28th Congressional District (encompassing
a large area of the San Fernando Valley), a district that is home to
tens of thousands of Armenian Americans.

Last week the U.S. House of Representatives adopted the Genocide
Accountability Act authored by Congressman Berman. The Genocide
Accountability Act would close a legal loophole that prevents the
United States Department of Justice (DOJ) from prosecuting people in
our country who have committed genocide abroad. The Justice Department
has identified individuals who are or have been in the United States
that they suspect had an active role in the genocides in Rwanda,
Bosnia, and Darfur. Under current law, the Justice Department is
unable to interview or charge any of these individuals because DOJ
lacks jurisdictional rights. The Senate passed an identical bill in
March 2007. Because both chambers passed identical versions of the
bill, it will directly go to the President to be signed into law. The
Armenian National Committee of America was a proud supporter of the
Genocide Accountability Act sponsored by Congressman Berman.

The fundraising event for Congressman Berman, held at the Beverly
Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, drew a number of notable public
officials, including Democratic Presidential hopeful Senator
Barack Obama. Among those also on hand were U.S. Representatives
Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) and James Costa (D-CA), California
State Controller John Chiang, State Senator Alex Padilla and State
Assemblymember Paul Krekorian.

"I was pleased to be on hand to share my appreciation for Congressman
Berman’s support for issues regarding Armenia that my family and
friends care so much about," remarked ANC-PAC supporter and Berman
constituent Serop Beylerian.

"I was proud to watch Congressman Berman speak in support of and
vote for the Armenian Genocide resolution when it came before the
House Foreign Affairs Committee on October 10th. Tonight I came to
this event to say thank you to the Congressman," commented ANC-PAC
supporter Peklar Pilavjian.

"Armenian Americans are loyal to their friends. I attended this
event to express my appreciation for the pro-Armenian American agenda
Congressman Berman has brought to Washington, DC for over two decades,"
said ANC-PAC activist Oshin Harootoonian after the event.
From: Baghdasarian

Baghdasarian Karlen:
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