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ANCEM: Watertown Calls on MMA to Rescind Endorsement of ADL Program

Armenian National Committee of Eastern Massachusetts
47 Nichols Avenue
Watertown MA 02472

For Immediate Release
December 13, 2007

Contact: ancem@hotmail.com

Watertown Calls on Massachusetts Municipal Association to Rescind
Endorsement of ADL Program — Cites ADL’s Refusal to Speak Honestly
About Armenian Genocide Watertown, MA – Citing the ADL leadership’s
ongoing opposition to unequivocally recognizing the Armenian Genocide,
the Watertown Town Council voted 7-2 this week to call on the
Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) to rescind its endorsement
of the ADL’s No Place for Hate (NPFH) program, reported the Armenian
National Committee of Eastern Massachusetts. The resolution,
introduced by Councilman Mark Sideris, noted that the national ADL
held a meeting on November 2, 2007, and `officially voted to take no
further action on recognizing the Armenian Genocide.’ It went on to
state that the MMA had previously voted to `reevaluate its official
sponsorship of the No Place for Hate program after the national ADL
determined whether to recognize unequivocally the Armenian genocide
and support the Congressional resolution.’ `We applaud the Watertown
Town Council for taking the lead, once again, in condemning genocide
denial,’ stated Sharistan Melkonian of the Armenian National
Committee. `It was on the recommendation of the Massachusetts
Municipal Association that so many cities and towns embraced the No
Place for Hate program. Now, in the face of the ADL’s failure to live
up to its own mission statement — `to secure justice and fair
treatment to all citizens alike’ – the MMA must take action and cut
ties with this tainted program.’ During the December 11th meeting, the
Town Council also considered a separate but similar measure submitted
by Councilwoman Marilyn Petitto Devaney, who had introduced the
original August 14 proclamation cutting ties with the NPFH
program. That decision, the first of its kind in Massachusetts, set
off a series of town meetings across the commonwealth resulting in
successive communities severing ties with the controversial program,
citing the ADL leadership’s refusal to unequivocally recognize of the
Armenian Genocide and efforts to block Congressional Armenian Genocide
legislation (H.Res.106 / S.Res.106). Earlier this September, the MMA
sent a letter to the ADL expressing concern about its now infamous
August 21st statement, citing that the events of 1915 -1918 were only
`tantamount to genocide’ and opposing Armenian Genocide
legislation. Following the ADL’s November 2nd meeting, where its
National Commissioners voted to `take no further action on the
Armenian Genocide’, the ANC and Armenian Assembly submitted a joint
request calling on the MMA to rescind its endorsement of the ADL’s No
Place for Hate program. For complete information about the ADL
genocide denial controversy visit

The Armenian National Committee is the largest and most influential
Armenian American grassroots political organization. Working in
coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters
throughout the United States and affiliated organizations around the
world, the ANC actively advances the concerns of the Armenian American
community on a broad range of issues ###


WHEREAS: The Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) sponsored the
No Place for Hate program that was established by the Anti-Defamation
League (ADL); and,

WHEREAS: The Town of Watertown benefited and appreciated the good work
that was done by the local group that was established; and,

WHEREAS: The national ADL held a meeting on November 2, 2007 and
officially voted to take no further action on recognizing the Armenian
genocide; and,

WHEREAS: The Town of Watertown and other cities and towns have
withdrawn their support for the No Place for Hate program; and,

WHEREAS: The MMA Board had previously voted to reevaluate its official
sponsorship of the No Place for Hate program after the national ADL
determined whether to recognize unequivocally the Armenian genocide
and support the congressional resolution;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town Council of the City known
as the Town of Watertown urges the MMA immediately withdraw is
sponsorship of the No Place for Hate program and notify all cities and
towns of its withdrawal; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Town Council and the members of the
former No Place for Hate committee are committed to continuing the
word that was started and will help the MMA in any way to make sure
the goals of the program remain in place.

Vasilian Manouk:
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