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Which Is The Next Step?


Hayots Ashkharh
Dec 13 2007

The US House of Representatives has passed the "Genocide
Responsibility" Bill. The latter approved by the two parties envisages
to hold accountable by American law, those who have committed genocide
outside the borders of the USA.

By the adoption of the act the gap in the law that hindered the US
Justice Ministry to hold accountable those living in the USA who have
committed genocide in other countries is filled.

The US Armenian organizations have also supported the adoption of
this act. The Executive Director of the Armenian Congress of America
Brayan Arduny hoped the adoption of this bill wouldn’t be the last
step towards the prevention of genocides.

"The second decisive step is to withstand the renunciation of genocides
and this must be realized by the adoption of a bill reconfirming
Armenian Genocide," he announced.

Nadirian Emma:
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