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Armenia Not To Leave ECAA


17:03 13/12/2007

Vahan Hovanisyan, vice speaker of parliament, said the fact that Russia
left the European Common Armament Agreement (ECAA) is not a threat
"because Russia, at least by its announced security and military
doctrines, does not have any aspirations or aggressive programs,"
Hovanisyan told a news conference today.

Instead, he said Russia will lose mutual trust with its western
partners. "Today Russia is correcting its mistakes, may be slightly
rudely, that the Russian leaders made in 90s when they did not put
conditions for NATO enlargement while totally withdrawing from the
European bases. Naturally, NATO’s continuous enlargement on former
Soviet territory and strong willingness by some post – Soviet states
to join NATO must concern Russia and it is making its counter steps,"
the speaker explained Russia’s attitude.

Speaking about possible withdrawal of Armenia from ECAA, the speaker
said: "Armenia may withdraw only in the case our direct neighbors
reconsider the agreement. Otherwise, I do not believe that the
reconsideration of the agreement will bring tangible results for
Armenia especially that Azerbaijan that seems to be a member of the
agreement does not limit itself in armament supplies."

Tambiyan Samvel:
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