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Barack Obama Hears From Armenian Americans During Visit To Los Angel


14.12.2007 10:33

Presidential candidate Barack Obama heard from Armenian
American activists during his most recent swing through southern
California. Senator Obama was in town for a number of events, including
a major rally at the Gibson Amphitheater at Universal Studios.

ANC-PAC supporters greeted Senator Obama at a political event held
in support of San Fernando Valley area Congressman Howard Berman
(D-CA). Obama engaged in a positive dialogue with longtime ANC
leader Aida Dimejian, who encouraged the presidential contender to
fully address issues of concern to Armenian Americans as part of his
broader campaign efforts. She also reminded the Senator that hundreds
of thousands of Armenian Americans are voters in the Golden State,
as well as in key swing states such as New Hampshire and Nevada.

"I told Senator Obama that we want him to be a leader on our issues,
from ending Turkey’s denial of the genocide, to boosting U.S. economic
ties to Armenia. I believe he understood and appreciated my message,"
Dimejian remarked after speaking with the Senator from State of

Last year ANC-Eastern Region Executive Director Karine Birazian urged
Senator Obama, at a town hall meeting, to cosponsor the Armenian
Genocide resolution (S.Res.106). Immediately following her comment,
Obama stated that the Armenian Genocide was one of the most horrific
tragedies that occurred during the 20th Century. He also stressed
the importance of working to end the campaign of denial and speaking
the truth, which in some instances has unfortunately jeopardized
peoples’ careers. Yet to date, the Senator has not become a cosponsor
of S.Res.106. Senator Obama did write a letter to Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice expressing his concern with the Bush Administration’s
shameful decision to fire former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia, John

Tvankchian Parkev:
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