Parties Unite


[08:10 pm] 13 December, 2007

The reformation of the "Block" and the "National Renaissance" parties
in the "Ramkavar-Azatakan" (Liberal-Democratic Party of Armenia)
is delayed.

"Our lawyers are solving some trivial legal problems and the documents
will be presented to the state cadastre soon", said de facto member
of the "Ramkavar-Azatakan" Gnel Ghlechyan to "A1+".

Thus, the problem is solved politically – both the "Block" and the
"National Renaissance" parties have announced about joining the
"Ramkavar-Azatakan" party, but still continue their activities.

Gnel Ghlechyan informed "A1+": "We are uniting the structures of
3 parties in the territory. We are organizing joint works of the
structures". To the question who will lead the united structure,
Mr Ghlechyan said that they would decide it after the party’s
session. They will also change the regulations of the party and decide
who will lead each structure.