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Wine and cheese tasting held in the US Embassy

Wine and cheese tasting held in the US Embassy

15.12.2007 11:45

On December 14, the Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development
(CARD) and the US Embassy held their annual Wine and Cheese Tasting.
Each year, this event allows retailers, restaurant owners, local
vendors, and members of the international community to sample wine and
cheese produced by Armenian producers supported by CARD.

This year, 10 cheese producers and 7 wine producers, presented 19
varieties of local cheese and 17 types of Armenian wines. New cheeses
were presented for tasting, among them: Ricotta, Gouda, Cheese
khinkali, Blue cheese, Tommy(goat cheese) and Feta type sheep cheese.
The event concluded with the serving of sweet wine and Armenian

The Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development /CARD/ assists
farmers and agribusiness in the production and marketing of food and
related products to increase incomes and create jobs leading to
sustainable livelihoods for rural population. Beginning on-farm, CARD
transforms low profit commodities into profitable, high value added

Karakhanian Suren:
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