Ability To Build A Welfare, Stable, Legal State Is Important

Naira Hayrumyan

19-12-2007 13:29:20

The leaders of world powers are want Kosovo and Palestine to get
independence. Intensive talks have been held by the United States
and the EU over the past few months. And if there is disagreement
between Serbia and Russia over Kosovo, the issue of Palestine is
close to resolution.

Each of these issues is a "knot" which cannot be unknotted. It can
be cut through new methods. For instance, the notorious principles
of the right for self-determination and territorial integrity. This
controversy is typical of most "frozen" conflicts and is especially
true for Kosovo. Backed by Russia, Serbia would not agree to
secession of part of its historical territory which was settled by
Muslim Albanians a few decades ago who soon became majority there
as a result of demographic expansion and displacement of the native
population. They do not want to be part of Serbia, meanwhile Serbia
is not likely to give up its territory set down in international

The right of a state to one territory or another is determined by
international agreements. Does it have to do with whom it ethnically
belongs? Is it possible to change it through demographic expansion?

Judging by the stance of the world leaders, the world tends to think
that international agreements are not dogmas. They were signed in
accordance with the political conjuncture of that time. Situation
changes, and necessity to revise international agreements occurs.

Since the establishment of the UN and agreement on solving all disputes
in the framework of this organization through consensus change of
borders has aroused but fear. Most countries fear a precedent – if
some unit jumps over consensus and reaches agreement, it will be a
"bad" signal for others. Now, however, fear is being replaced by
other senses, possibly good sense.

The European Union, which intends and needs to get hold of the
non-Russian territory of the continent, is worried. Due to "minor"
disputes the Balkans were not involved in European integration. It is
not acceptable for the European strategists politically, economically
and logistically.

Therefore, Serbia is offered an accelerated procedure of entry to
the EU only to have them let Kosovo secede. Belgrade is told: as soon
as you enter the European Union, we will launch work on integration
of Kosovo, and some time later there will be no border between you,
you will be part of the EU.

And it will depend on your ability to return to you historical
territory only. It is not necessary to wave your flag there.

We did the same in India, the English say. Now it is not our colony
but we control all the communications, profitable business, almost the
entire intellectual potential of India lives and studies in England
and the United.

They may call themselves an independent country but we know what the
reality is.

An almost similar scheme is offered to the other metropolises,
including Azerbaijan. They are trying to persuade the authorities
of Baku: give Karabakh independence, open the borders, roads, invest
money, and in a few years time it will be your territory.

For the time being, neither the Serbian nor the Azerbaijani government
can afford such an unpopular move because the nationalist forces
will overthrow them right away. They are still temporizing, but most
probably good sense will prevail some time later, and the leaders
of metropolises will realize that with transnational business,
international banks, convertible currency, the web, transcontinental
missiles borders become conventional.

In this case, the ability of a group of people living on that
territory to build a welfare, stable, legal and comfortable state
becomes important.