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ANCA-ER Director To Expand Hai Tahd Participation On Armenian Cruise

Date: December 19, 2007
Armenian National Committee of America
Eastern Region
122 W. 27th St. Flr 12, New York, NY 10001
Contact: Karine Birazian
Tel: 917-428-1918

–Attendees expected to gain further insight on Eastern, Western,
and National perspectives of the ANCA

New York, NY- In less than a month, Armenians from around the
world will board the Costa Fortuna for the 11th annual Armenian
Heritage Cruise (AHC). With close to 2000 registered guests, those
attending will have a variety of activities to choose from,
including various cultural, educational, and social events planned
throughout the week, including a presentation by the Armenian
National Committee of America, Eastern Region Executive Director

The first morning at sea, ANCA ER Director Karine Birazian will be
presenting a lecture entitled A Year of Firsts: Reflecting on 2007
and Future Hai Tahd Activities, on Monday, January 14th at 10:30am.
The lecture will focus on the many successes and activities the
ANCA is actively engaged in, including the withdrawal of Ambassador
nomination Dick Hoagland, encouraging local communities No Place
for Hate Chapters to sever ties with the National Anti Defamation
League (ADL), the significant progress of genocide recognition and
H. Res 106, and much more.

"2007 has been such an exciting and overwhelming year for the ANCA.
This will be a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our
accomplishments and future goals and projects for 2008," commented
Birazian. Those that attend the lecture will be entered in a
chance to win a free one-year subscription of the Armenian Weekly
or Hairenik Newspaper as well as meet and hear from ANCA
Legislative Affairs Director Raffi Karakashian, Esq. & ANC WR
Executive Director Antranig Kzirian Esq.

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest
and most influential Armenian American grassroots political
organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices,
chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated
organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the
concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of
Photo Caption:
Photo 1: ANCA ER director Karine Birazian presenting on the Armenian
Heritage Cruise in 2007

Photo 2: Lecture attendees engaging in conversation during the question &

Kanayan Tamar:
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