BAKU: "Echo": Truth About Prisoners’ Wish

R. Orujev, Azerbaijan
Dec 18 2007

It can be spoken personally by prisoners, but not by political or
military structures of both states December 12, on the frontline near
Bash Gervend village of Agdam region, Armenians released citizen of
Azerbaijan, inmate of Terter, Anar Maarif oglu Aliyev, born 1978,
who was taken hostage August 2, 2007 in Terter direction.He was kept
in Khankendi all this time.

He told about circumstances of his captivity. "I was walking by the
river. Suddenly soldiers appeared in front of me. I thought they are
Azerbaijanis and approached them. However, they blindfolded me and
took me away". Accordingly to Aliyev, being in Armenian captivity,
he was kept in cell alone. He didn’t undergo physical violence; no
one tortured him, however, he was not allowed to write openly about
it in the letters addressed relatives.

Information on release of A. Aliyev was spread by State Commission
of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the issues of prisoners of war,
hostages and missing persons. Information reads that Anar Aliyev’s
health is normal. After medical examination he was given to family.

Information also reads that guiding by principles of humanism, December
12 Armenian, Suleymanyan Valeriy, born 1958, taken April 18, 2007 on
Azerbaijani positions in direction of Khojavendi region of Azerbaijan,
was released. V. Suleymanyan was born in Baku then he moved to live
in the Upper Garabagh.

In the process of his transfer went on under leadership of the head
of Work Group of Commission, Firuddin Sadikhov, representatives of
International Committee of Red Cross took part as neutral mediators.

The most interesting moment in this story is that during recent months,
representatives of the mentioned state commission repeatedly stated
in their interview that neither V. Suleymanyan nor any other prisoner
(Armenian soldier still kept in Baku, Ambarzum Asaturyan) are willing
to return to the Upper Garabagh and Armenia.

Thus, it turns out to be that either Suleymanyan drastically changed
his previous decision now wanting to return to the Upper Garabagh,
or all these months State Commission has been misleading Azerbaijani
society regarding his wishes. We would wish the first version to
be confirmed.

In connection with this situation "Echo" asked Baku office of
International Committee of Red Cross whether V. Suleymanyan’s return
was voluntary. Press secretary of representative office of the
mentioned international organization, Gulnaz Guliyeva, informed that
"in realization of both operations on transfer of prisoners of war
the Red Cross partook as neutral mediator. And in accordance with
principles of International Committee of Red Cross it realized these
operations in collaboration with all parties. And first of all before
joining these operations, representatives of International Committee of
Red Cross visited prisoners and made sure that their return is realized
accordingly to their will. I would like to stress that representatives
of International Committee of Red Cross are partaking in the transfer
of prisoners only if both parties are applied to the structure in
question for help and promotion, and another major condition is the
will of prisoner to return".

Thus, the issue on forced return of Suleymanyan to Armenian party is
dropped off. But against this background great doubts are able to
cause assertion of Armenian and Azerbaijani state commissions that
junior sergeant, Samir Mamadov, almost a year kept in Yerevan, and
private Ambarzum Asaturyan, being in Baku, are refusing to return home.

G. Guliyeva informed that both prisoners last time were visited by
International Committee of Red Cross late November. "Samir Mamadov was
visited November 27, and A. Asaturyan – November 29. Their physical
and psychological states were checked. They were able to exchange
letters with relatives via Red Cross. All information after meeting
is delivered to their families; confidential dialog with authorities
of both parties is going on".

Independent military expert, Uzeir Jafarov, holds that after exchange
of prisoners "conflict situation" will raise as to date State
Commission on prisoners of war and military leadership of Azerbaijan
also declared that Armenian prisoners don’t want to return. Now it
turns to be that either our official structures mislead Azerbaijani
society or Suleymanyan changed his mind to get asylum in third
country. Another moment relating to A, Aliyev’s taking prisoner is
also interesting. It turns to be that he was just walking when he got
into adverse hands. I think relevant structures should shed the light
to it, for example, Ministry of National Security, Administration on
counterespionage and Defense Ministry itself. Most probably in near
future we will witness news statements of international structures
relating to Anar Aliyev and Valeriy Suleymanyan as soon he will
testify and Armenian part will make statement either confirming or
refuting the previous ones came from our official structures. Then
both sides will invent more stories on true wishes of prisoners, S.

Mamadov and A. Asaturyan. And new prisoners will appear as the
conflict is not regulated. After the lapse of 10 days there will be
year since taking Samir Mamadov prisoner as if lost in fog. I would
like our structures to clarify, make public the data how these persons
were taken prisoner, is it result of the work of counterespionage
or other aspects played the role as during military operations there
were persons from both sides who made money directing opposite side
providing conditions for adverse force to take somebody hostage. In
situation like this one can’t help feeling pity towards young people
turned to hostages of political and military confrontation between
Armenia and Azerbaijan. The issue on true wishes of Mamadov and
Asaturyan is unclear.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS