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Armen Rustamyan: The Reason Of The Crisis In Armenian -Turkish Relat


20.12.2007 15:58

The key to the real reason of the current crisis in Armenian-Turkish
relations is hidden in the preconditions Turkey sets for establishing
relations with Armenia, Chairman of the National Assembly’s Standing
Committee on Foreign Relations Armen Rustamyan said during the
parliamentary hearings on "Armenian-Turkish relations: Issues and

According to Armen Rustamyan, Turkey sets four preconditions:
unilateral recognition of the territorial integrity of Turkey through
re-ratification of the Kars agreement, ensuring territorial link
between Nakhijevan and other regions of Azerbaijan, suspension of
the process of recognition of the Armenian Genocide and withdrawal
of troops from Karabakh and the adjacent regions.

Armen Rustamyan considers that the precondition connected with the
Nagorno Karabakh conflict is the most illogical one, saying in the
contemporary world it is not common to associate the relations between
two states with a third country. "With this position Turkey is an
unofficial party to the conflict rather than a neighboring country
that refuses to establish diplomatic relations with Armenia. And
this goes fully in line with the logic, according to which Turkey and
Azerbaijan are two states of the same people, therefore, the conflict
of the one is the conflict of the other," he noted.

As for Turkey’s accession to the European Union, according to Armen
Rustamyan, Turkey’s membership can really be beneficial for Armenia,
if Turkey pursues the fair purpose to become a European state in its
true meaning and not use it as simply a means to give new force to
its Pan-Turkic claims.

Armen Rustamyan directly links the perspectives of having a completely
secure system in the region with the normalization of Armenian-Turkish
relations and sees exceptionally peaceful means for resolution
of issues.

"If all the parties interested build their diplomacy on there
principles, this way will finally lead to success, where there will
be no winners and losers, and everyone will benefit from the fruit
of victory," Armenian Rustamyan considers.

Nahapetian Lilit:
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