Armenia Urges Not To Link Nagorno-Karabakh Settlement With President


Russia & CIS General Newswire
December 19, 2007 Wednesday 10:13 PM MSK

The possibilities to solve Nagorno- Karabakh conflict peacefully
have not been exhausted, Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan said
at a meeting with EU Special Envoy for South Caucasus Peter Semnebi
on Wednesday.

The Armenian government told Interfax that Sargsyan supported
simultaneous recognition by Armenia of the territorial integrity of
Azerbaijan and Azeri recognition of the right of the people of Nagorno-
Karabakh for self-determination.

Semnebi said, that after meeting with Azeri President Ilham Aliyev
he had an impression that the conflict could be resolved only after
the presidential elections in Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Semnebi said that the European Union is interested in maintaining
all agreements that the sides have reached in negotiations as well
as in creation of a good foundation for continuation of these talks.

Sargsyan repeated his position saying that presidential elections
in both countries should not be linked with the settlement of the

"Why should the candidates for president conceal their opinion on a
solution to the conflict? If there is a problem in convincing citizens
to their sincerity or if there is a concern that after the signing
the document the number of votes for the candidate might reduce, this
is not a reason. Some candidates might think it is a disadvantage,
but it is extremely important for both nations that the candidates
for president clearly express their positions," Sargsyan said.

Sargsyan added, that the president should be able to tell his voters
after the elections: "You voted for my program and I ought to implement
it." mg dp