BAKU: Azeri Minister Against "Week Of Azerbaijan" In Armenia


Azad Azarbaycan TV, Azerbaijan
Dec 19 2007

[Presenter] The Armenians are trying to cover up their aggressive
actions by holding A Week of Azerbaijan in Yerevan. [Azerbaijani]
Culture and Tourism Minister Abulfaz Qarayev has said that residents
of the areas under occupation should have been notified of this
action beforehand.

[Correspondent over video of Qarayev] Holding A Week of Azerbaijan
in Armenia is a hasty and premature step by the hostile country. The
Armenians should have informed the residents of the areas under their
occupation before holding A Week of Azerbaijan. Qarayev thinks that
the holding of A Week of Azerbaijan in Armenia has only one aim

[Qarayev, speaking to microphone] The aim is to tell the international
community that there is no problem between us [Armenia and Azerbaijan],
that we are friends, and that politicians are to blame for this
[conflict between Azerbaijani and Armenia]. They say that a completely
different atmosphere should be formed. But the Azerbaijani people can
never adapt to this atmosphere because we will not be ready for any
serious exchange [of opinions] with public figures of the occupying
country until we regain control of our territories.