Bargavach Hayastan: Failure Of The Year

Hakob Badalyan

Dec 20 2007

At the end of each year different organizations award titles: this of
the year, that of the year. If the nomination of the unintelligible
thing of the year were awarded this year, it would be awarded to
the Bargavach Hayastan Party because the society cannot understand
the purpose of this party in the political sphere. If the purpose
is charity, it can be done without being a political party and
participating in the political processes. If the purpose of charity
is to guarantee political success, the best charity would be helping
the Armenians rid of the Republican majority.

In the beginning it seemed that Bargavach Hayastan was an effort
to solve the problem of political future of Robert Kocharyan. At
least the party started involving all the activists and groups which
related to Robert Kocharyan one way or another, to say nothing of
the godfather-godchild relation of the Bargavach Hayastan leader and
Robert Kocharyan. In other words, it was obvious that the Bargavach
Hayastan was a project that had been worked out at the president
administration and the statement that no high-ranking official would
be admitted to the party was evidence that the Bargavach Hayastan
Party wanted to differ from the Republican Party.

However, it turned out that the Bargavach Hayastan Party was
inclined to support the Republican Party rather than people. In the
parliamentary election, the party which claimed to have 400 thousand
members got only 200 thousand votes. It means that either people
cheated Bargavach Hayastan saying that they were members but voting
for another party, or the Bargavach Hayastan Party cheated people,
collecting their votes and passing them to the Republican Party. Or yet
both at the same time. In the end, it turned out that the political
party aspiring to being the greatest project of the year can hardly
hope for the nomination of the appendix of the year because beside
the Republican Party it has this status. Meanwhile, Bargavach Hayastan
had a real chance for a real change in the political sphere. It only
took courage. Moreover, simple trust in the society would be enough.

There were several favorable conditions for that: certain charisma
of the leader of the party, enough resource, cleanness of the staff.

However, perhaps the lack of political thinking in the leadership of
the party offset these conditions. The leadership failed to realize
what the mission of the Bargavach Hayastan would be and thought in
the traditional way of thinking of the government, which supposes
that the interests of the elite are superior to those of the society.

On the other hand, it is natural that the one who plays orders music.

However, the musicians should not think that if only one of the
audience can pay, the others can listen to bad music ordered by him
all the time. And in this case, the audience deplores not only the
rich man who orders music but also the musicians who play his orders.

If they care about a successful career, they should consider this.