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EU-Turkey Talks Enhanced


AZG Armenian Daily

Turkey made another step towards EU membership.

FrancePresse informs that 2 more topics were added to Ankara-EU talks,
which refer to infra-European structures and consumers’ health. The
government of Erdogan will have to improve Turkey’s legislations for
that spheres and bring it to one level with European standards.

"Actually, Europe is trying to save the situation by giving Turkey’s
friends the opportunity to applaud, and permitting France to oppose
Turkey’s membership," say representatives of Portugal, presently
chairing EU. France is against enhancing the talks with Turkey and
starting new discussion topics.

France insisted that the latest EU-Turkey meeting should be called an
"intergovernmental conference" instead of "membership conference",
as suggested by Sweden and Great Britain.

Prime Minister Erdogan pretends o be unconscious of all those
deliberations. "I am feeling safe about our membership," states
Erdogan, at the same time admitting that France’s stance shall have
unavoidably negative effect on the process.

Kalantarian Kevo:
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