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How To Provide Impartiality


Hayots Ashkharh
Dec 20 2007

"When any European official expresses idea about the partial
elucidation of the Mass Media, we shouldn’t forget that this
viewpoint is based on non-objective materials. If this structure
or its representative are in fact interested in the real situation
can’t they hire a specialized organization, on contractual bases,
which will conduct a complete monitoring and observe both the on-line
and published press. In this case no one will speak about partiality."

Serge Sargsyan said yesterday, during his meeting with EU Special
Representative in South Caucasus Peter Semneby. Considering it natural
that the activity of the Head of the government must be properly
elucidated, to which the same European officials also agreed, the
Prime Minister underscored that the authorities are interested and
will do their best to hold high level elections.

Karakhanian Suren:
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