Old Guards Advance The Attack

Gagik Lazarian

Hayots Ashkharh
Dec 20 2007

As we know, there are creatures among the amphibious and reptiles
that are gifted with "self-restoration" ability. The reptiles, for
example, once attacked by the predators, get rid of their tail and
later grow it within 3-4 months. Salamanders can grow their damaged
limbs, part of organs, even brains.

But the phenomenon of the regeneration of organs is more typical
of Armenian Pan National Movement. Till the recent times, it seemed
this political power doesn’t exist any more. Poor Paruyr Hayrikyan
was yelling that we deal with a dead body. But it turned out that
the sick is far not dead.

These days the headquarters of the presidential candidates, including
Levon Ter-Petrosyan are in the process of formation. As we managed
to clarify the following coordinators are attached to the latter’s
provincial headquarters from the central one.

Aragatsotny Province: Masis Ayvazyan, Raffi Melkonyan, Hayk Atanesyan,
and Margar Hambardsumyan.

Ararat Province: Hovhannes Igityan, Razmik Mnatsakanyan, Tariel
Yeghiazaryan, and Vasil Khanadyan.

Armavir Province: Hovhannes Ghazaryan.

Gegharkunik: Samvel Gevorgyan, Koryun Mheryan.

Lory Province: Sargis Tamazyan, Ruben Voskanyan, and Karen Sargsyan.

Kotayk Province: Yerjanik Abgaryan, Aram Bareghamyan, Abraham
Matevosyan, and Husik Melkonyan.

Shirak Province: Andranik Hovakimyan, Razmik Meloyan, and Harutyun

Syunik Province: Kochar Davtyan.

Vayots Dsor Province: Aram Manukyan.

Tavush Province: Khachatur Kokobelyan, Arthur Atabekyan, and Hamlet

These are the people, who skillfully snap their whips like shepherds,
whose mission is to drive the electorate of the provinces by the
right direction. So that, God forbid, they go astray, so that they
themselves will go and vote for the ex-President.

As they say, all are well known figures. We know many of the before
mentioned activists of Armenian Pan National Movement as falsifiers
of 1995 parliamentary and 1996 presidential elections.

It is a bygone story and we wouldn’t dig this ash, but for
our astonishment on Levon Ter-Petrsoyan’s behavior. Why does he
persistently try to distinguish himself from Armenian Pan National
Movement, he even self-nominated his candidacy for presidency. He
shouldn’t be ashamed of his surrounding, the before mentioned "human
resource bank" is a vivid fact.