Dashnaktsutyn promises surprises

Hayots Ashkharh, Armenia
Dec 22 2007


Head of ARFD parliamentary faction Hrayr Karapetyan was the guest
of `Pastark’ club yesterday.
Speaking about the phenomenon of the manifestation of black PR in
the pre-campaigning period he introduced the party’s attitude
regarding this: `We appeal to all the candidates, to introduce their
personal attitudes regarding the problems faced by the country. Of
course if there are certain episodes of throwing mud on this or that
political figure, there should be an answer. But there is certain
Each political power or political figure is supported by a part of
our people and black PR leads to separation. `Thus they instigate
conflict among the people. No political event should be a reason for
conflict, because it doesn’t derive from the interests of our nation
and state and similar cases can disappoint our people. They will
become disappointed of political processes, the future and the
H. Karapetyan also underscored that in his recent speech ARFD
candidate – Vahan Hovhannisyan has already mentioned about the
importance of avoiding radical phenomena and trying to keep balance
during the coming pre-election campaign, he also underscored that we
mustn’t ignore our achievements of the recent years. `There are lots
of failings and we never forget about these failings. In case we come
to power, we will shoulder a greater responsibility and by
maintaining these achievements and by cooperating with healthy
national political powers we are ready to correct these failings.’
In general, according to the speaker it is high time to run for
the elections with personal candidates. `In our view we are able to
have our own candidate and to develop the already existing
achievements. As well as to struggle against all those phenomena that
in our view has been overlooked. This means in our view the time has
come for Dashnaktsutyun party to pretend for the highest position –
the position of RA President. This doesn’t mean that we
autocratically lay claim to power. Never. I repeat, we are ready to
cooperate with all the parties which will agree with our political
program on the country’s future and we are ready to take this
As we know Representative of the Supreme Body Armen Rustamyan is
going head the pre-election headquarter of ARFD candidate.
Preparation works are in process in the provinces. H. Karapetyan says
it is the discipline of the political structures that separates them
from all the other parties. `We have our advocacy means. But in my
opinion our structure is our strongest advocacy means. Because there
is no village where there is no Dashnaktsutyun, the same way as there
is no place in the world where there is no Armenian and
Dashnaktsutyun party. That is why we will conduct an unprecedented
campaign. We will employ new methods, the same way as we employed new
methods during the nomination stage.
H. Karapetyan has noticed a tendency of polarizing the
pre-election atmosphere and introduced it as the campaign between the
former and the present day authorities. `I’m confident it is an
artificial propaganda. The reality is far not like that. Of course
this struggle is there. But, if we can say so, there is a brutal war
in the propaganda domain. In fact this struggle is between, if not
five, at least four candidates among the nominated nine.’ Thus he
came to a conclusion that there is a great probability of two-stage
political campaign.