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LDP to support Armenian prime minister’s candidacy in elections

Armenian Liberal-Democratic Union Party to support Armenian prime
minister’s candidacy at presidential election

2007-12-22 16:22:00

ArmInfo. The Armenian Liberal-Democratic Union Party (ALDU) will
support Leader of the Republic Party of Armenia (RPA), Armenian Prime
Minister Serzh Sargsyan’s candidacy at the Feb 19, 2008 presidential
election, the statement made at ALDU’s 5th extraordinary congress says,

The statement also contains an appeal to all the territorial divisions
of the party "to consolidate in Serzh Sargsyan’s pre-electoral
headquarters". ALDU Leader Seyran Avakyan, the Armenian president’s
former adviser for territorial administration, stressed that the
decision to support Sargsyan’s candidacy was taken as a result of long
debates. He also emphasized that unlike the previous elections, the
forthcoming presidential election is special because after it the
reformed Constitution will completely be launched and because for the
first time contending for the presidential seat will be 3 political
forces leading the country in different periods – ARF Dashnaksutyun,
Armenian Pan National Movement (APNM) and RPA.Avakyan once again
confirmed ALDU’s adherence to development of small and medium-sized
business and added that the party is expecting Sargsyan to make the
country’s budget of 2008 be replenish not by small and medium-sized
business, but by liquidation of monopolies and shadow

To note, members of the RPA faction Galoust Sahakyan, Hermine
Naghdalyan, Samvel Nikoyan and Mkrtich Minasyan were also present at
the congress.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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