Categories: News

NKR President has visited

Azat Artsakh Tert, Nagorno Karabakh Republic
Dec 22 2007

NKR President has visited

On December 21st, the NKR President Bako Sahakian visited NKR
Prosecutor’s Office for the purpose of introducing newly appointed
leader Arshavir Gharamian to the workers of this body. Bako Sahakian
estimated highly the activity of the former chief prosecutor Armen
Zalinian, particularly in the direction of realizing reforms in the
prosecutor’s system. Speaking about the prblems of Prosecutor’s
Office, the President noted, that security of rights and gains of a
common citizen and the state, security of a law’s supremacy, as well
as high moral and professional qualities of workers of the system
should be on the basis of of the department’s activity.
The NKR President congratulated Arshavir Gharamian, in connection
with appointing in that responsible post and wished him successful
and fruitful activity.

— —- — —-

The same day the NKR President visited Martakert region, where he
participated in the solemn opening of Khutarashen-Martakert
In his speech the NKR President attached importance to the role
of this water-pipe in the process of socio-economical development of
Martakert region. The President expressed gratitude to `Hayastan’
all-Armenian Fund for financing this project and noted, that such
programs would be realized also in all the territory of the republic.
Then Bako Sahakian visited Khachen’s reservoir and got acquainted
with complex programs of the works. The NKR Prime Minister Ara
Haroutyunian, the Vice Speaker of the NKR National Assembly Rudik
Hyusnunts and other officials accompanied the President during the
visit. (Central administration of information of the NKR President’s
stuff reported).

Hakobian Adrine:
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