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One of Armenia’s biggest parties backs Sarkisian’s nomination

Russia & CIS General Newswire
December 21, 2007 Friday 11:07 AM MSK

One of Armenia’s biggest parties backs Sarkisian’s nomination for


Leader of the Prospering Armenia (PPA)

party Gagik Tsarukian, who leads the second largest parliamentary
faction, said he backs Prime Minister and leader of the Armenian
Republican Party Serzh Sarkisian as the Armenian presidential

"The party’s decision is based on the coalition agreement and on our
cooperation," Tsarukian said at an expanded session of this party’s
political session in Yerevan on Thursday.

Sarkisian is able to better address the country’s task of preserving
political stability in Armenia, he said.

For his part, Sarkisian gave thanks for supporting his nomination,
adding that the PPA, which is present in the parliament and
participates in the work of executive authorities, is one of the
country’s most influential and biggest political forces.

"To have the backing of such a political force at the presidential
election is an honor for any politician," he said.

The May parliamentary elections in Armenia led to a new political
situation and laid a good foundation for efficient work. The
cooperation between the Republican Party and Prosperous Armenia is
also a good example, the premier said.

"The presidential election is particularly important from the point
of view of further development of the country. The praised
parliamentary elections were a surprise to many, so in case of a good
presidential election we must prove that this is a rule and not an
exception," the prime minister said.

The presidential election in Armenia is due on February 19, 2008.

Jagharian Tania:
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