Parties and NGOs Supporting Levon Ter-Petrosian Restate Position


YEREVAN, DECEMBER 22, NOYAN TAPAN. During the December 22 republican
congress of forces supportig the first Armenian president Levon
Ter-Petrosian, 17 political parties and over 10 NGOs restated their
position to back the candidature of Levon Ter-Petrosian at the upcoming
presidential elections.

The leaders of all 17 parties made speeches at the congress. The heads
of People’s Party of Armenia, "Republic" party and the Social Democrat
Hunchak Party Stepan Demirchian, Aram Sargsian and Lyudmila Sargsian
stressed that "in order to get out of the current situation in the
country and, in particular, in order to prevent the current regime from
reproducing itself, the opposition needs first of all to unite around
one candidate".

"The political forces have united not only around the bright person of
Levon Ter-Petrosian, who has state mentality and much experience of
state governance, but also in the name of the people’s victory,"
Lyudmila Sargsian stated.

In the words of the leader of "Democratic Homeland" party Petros
Makeyan, the most important thing has been ensured for the future
victory: a popular movement, which backs the first president and whose
key goal is to prevent election rigging and the regime’s reproduction,
has been formed. He attached importance to the fact that the atmosphere
which was created in the country for years (in particular, "no one can
go against us, only Serge will win") has already been broken.

The leader of "Aylntrank" ("Alternative") political initiative Nikol
Pashinian expressed conviction that L. Ter-Petrosian will be the major
candidate at the presidential elections, and he will also be the only
aspirant to the presidency. At the same time he pointed out that the
forces supporting L. Ter-Petrosian still have much to do from the
organizational point of view.