Categories: News

New cases of dieing swine


20:33 21/12/2007


The government has not yet decided how to compensate the people harmed
by African plague. Gevorg Tovmasyan from Agriculture Ministry said
`The process is being discussed. It is possible that before the end of
the year we’ll have final decision on it’.

The commission covering this problem should have decided till December
15; but till today the officials get new facts about the dieing swine.

According to the data received today more than 15 thousands swine were
destroyed in the result of African plague. Though the cases started to
minimize in the country, but still there are some in the regions.

Note that the disease was found in Tavush, Lori, Ararat, and Kotayk
regions, whereas the quarantine is announced only in Kotayk and
Lori. G. Tovmasyan said that in other regions the disease functions
mainly in closed farms, that is why there is not a need to announce
quarantine there.

Source: Panorama.am

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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