Present-day Turkish-Armenian border doesn’t have legal foundation


Present-day Turkish-Armenian border doesn’t have legal foundation
22.12.2007 13:56 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Turkish-Armenian border should be reconsidered,
ARF Bureau’s Hay Dat and Political Affairs Office Director Kiro
Manoyan said. `The present-day border doesn’t have legal
foundation. The Treaty of Kars, which determines the border, doesn’t
have legal effect. Thus, Armenia and Turkey should adjust the issue,’
he said.

The Treaty of Sevres can serve as a legal basis, according to him.

`The necessity to review the borders emerged when Armenia obtained
independence. Soviet Armenia could not insist on revision while
formation of independent Armenia, the assignee of the First Republic,
put into force the Treaty of Sevres, the only document that can
determine the border,’ he said.

`This territorial dispute is not the only one in the international
practice. Turley itself has similar problems with other neighbors,’ he
said, Novosti Armenia reports.

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