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A new president can disagree with the package

A new president can disagree with the package

28-12-2007 10:33:58 – KarabakhOpen

The international mediators can develop a draft on the Nagorno Karabakh
peaceful agreement before the presidential elections in Armenia, if
both the sides agree upon the basic principles of conflict resolution,
OSCE MG Russian Co-chair Yuri Merzlyakov said.

The mediators submitted written proposals to Azerbaijan and Armenia
during the meeting in Madrid in the end of November. Due to the
confidentiality of the process, no details were announced on the issue.

`The proposals offer nothing new’, said Merzlyakov.

The Russian mediator stated that the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs hope to
get reaction of both sides during their visit to the region in the
middle of January. `In Madrid, the Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign
Ministers presented their opinions. But the sides are studying the
proposals,’ Merzlyakov said.

He did not exclude that the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan may
meet after the Co-chairs’ visit to the region. The co-chairs are also
planning to visit Nagorno Karabakh, Trend reports.

The haste of the OSCE Minsk Group mediators is conditioned by the
possible shift of characters in the negotiation process after the
presidential elections in Armenia and Azerbaijan, RA Foreign Minister
Vartan Oskanian said.

`A new president can disagree with the package, that is why the
mediators press for a soonest bargain,’ he said. `Armenia’s positions
are firm but disagreement with the package at the table will provide
new chances for Azerbaijan. Anyway, the international community will
not allow to bring the achievements to naught.’

`The status of Nagorno Karabakh is the key issue in the talks. The
Co-chairs and international organization know this. However, we are
still at the beginning of a long process,’ he said.

`The document under discussion refers to the settlement principles
which should be submitted to lawyers if approved by the sides. Most
items have been already coordinated and the mediators suppose that it
can be brought to a final shape. However, there are a number of
problems which require serious talk,’ the Minister told Shant TV

Some progress was fixed in the Karabakh peaceful process during the
recent years, Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian said.

`Armenia’s policy is neither defensive nor aggressive. It’s remarkable
that the right of Karabakhi people to self-determination is fixed in
the present package of proposals. It’s an item we could only dream
about some 10 years ago. The OSCE Minsk Group and other international
structures aware of the core of the problem put difference between the
Nagorno Karabakh conflict and other conflicts,’ the Minister said.

`The document on the table is the result of efforts applied by the
sides. There are still uncoordinated issues and that is why the
mediators resort to shuttle diplomacy. We have numerously stated that
OSCE MG latest package of proposals provides a good opportunity for
Karabakh resolution. It contains balanced principles that should be
carried to logical completion,’ he said.

The Minister noted that the visit of mediators in 2008 will determine
the trend of further talks. `In the framework of the negotiations we
established normal relations with Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mammadyarov,
since normal relations are essential for efficient talks,’ Mr Oskanian
said in an interview with Shant TV Channel.

Khondkarian Raffi:
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