Average salary in Base Metals was 170 thousand drams

Average salary in Base Metals was 170 thousand drams

28-12-2007 11:26:18 – KarabakhOpen

The Base Metals Company employs 1200 people, the Azat Artsakh reports.
Over the past 5 years after the establishment of the company the life
in the adjacent villages has changed.

Drmbon now has a great number of mining specialists, which allows
working out new projects of development of mining.

The president of Base Metals Valery Mejlumyan said 325 thousand tons of
ore was produced and processed. The average salary in the company was
170 thousand drams, the profit of the company was 3.9 billion drams.

In 2008 the factory will be modernized. In a few days the third
processing unit will be operated.

President Bako Sahakyan who visited the factory emphasized the role of
the factory in improving quality of life in the villages of Martakert.

This year the factory has donated 70 million drams to Armenia Fund.

The company is a major tax payer and in 2007 it has paid 1.88 billion
drams of different taxes.