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Bertrand Le Gendre and Gaidz Minassian note passing of Nat’l history

Courrier International, France
Dec 27 2007

Bertrand Le Gendre and Gaïdz Minassian note the passing of national history

"The more the world shrinks, the more it becomes anxious, and the
more civilisations seek reassurance by revisiting their past. The
Armenian genocide, colonisation, slavery… Dramas that are several
centuries old are resurfacing, in favour of this involution which is
getting, in order to be better heard, the planet to bear witness. …
The 20th century was the century of ready-made truths. The 21st is
the century is that of disturbing revisions", consider the journalist
Bertrand Le Gendre and the political scientist Gaïdz Minassian
observing a multiplication of examples of ‘historical interference’.
"The simultaneity if these revisions confirms the fact that there is
no more room in the global village for purely national history. This
collective rereading may liberate consciences, but it is painful. By
stirring up memories so much, those overlooked by history are of
course being helped, but at the same time, light is being shed on
parts of the past that some would rather had kept concealed."

Le Monde (France)

Kamalian Hagop:
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