"Gallup does not endorse any particular candidate"


[01:55 pm] 28 December, 2007

The U.S. Embassy in Armenia has watched with interest
the recent press coverage generated by the "Armenian
National Study" funded by the U.S. Agency for
International Development.

While the Embassy is encouraged that the study has
focused the attention of Armenian society and
political parties on the important electoral processes
underway in the country, we are nevertheless concerned
by the inaccurate portrayals of the study being
reported in some national media.

As part of the U.S. Government’s democracy assistance
program in Armenia, the "Armenia National Study" is an
opinion poll designed to be a neutral, objective
mechanism to assist political parties in Armenia to
better understand and respond to the major political,
economic and social concerns of Armenian citizens. It
is not meant to influence or predict the way in which
Armenians will vote during elections.

In democratic societies, opinion polls provide
citizens with a forum in which to express their views
about major issues, both anonymously and objectively,
to elected officials and political parties that
represent their concerns. The opinion poll is also an
effective aid for elected officials and political
parties to develop programs and platforms that address
societal concerns and national issues.

Commissioned by the International Republic Institute
in 2006, the "Armenia National Study" is being carried
out in Armenia by the Vilnius-based Baltic Surveys
Ltd. / Gallup Organization with the assistance of the
Armenian Sociological Association. It is common
practice to work with local organizations in carrying
out such public opinion polls.

A total of seven quarterly opinion polls have been
carried out since May, 2006. The most recent poll was
taken in early December, 2007. An eighth and final
poll is scheduled for mid-January, 2008. Baltic
Surveys Ltd. / Gallup Organization is also planning to
conduct an exit poll during the presidential election
on February 19, 2008.

To ensure anonymity and objectivity of the opinion
poll, the Baltic Surveys Ltd. / Gallup Organization
uses a random sampling methodology that is the
mainstay of reputable Western polling organizations.
IRI has shared the poll results, including specific
information on respective political parties, with
party representatives. The results of all seven polls
conducted since May 2006, including more general
information on the major political, economic, and
social issues, are free for public examination on the
IRI website (). Neither the United States
government, the International Republican Institute nor
Baltic Surveys Ltd. / Gallup Organization endorses any
particular party or candidate. Non-party specific
results are made public; candidate and party results
are shared with the appropriate political parties.
