Categories: News

"How to become president"


18:48 27/12/2007


Today the ceremony of `Become President’ computer game
took place. This is the first Armenian educational
computer game. `Let’s play democracy and make it
reality’ said Armen Ohanyan, the coordinator of the
project, and continued that the game is unique in its
type, as it informs the player about the principles of
the democratic policy of Armenia.
`The target audience is the pupils of tenth form and
the students, or else those who do not have rights to
elect, yet. When playing they will get acquainted with
the presidential elections’ campaign, process and
direction. The game itself could be interesting for
others,’ he said. The game is rather difficult and

According to Gideon Duhast, the deputy ambassador of
Great Britain in Armenia the game is created
especially for the Armenian youth, those who should
get the heritage of today’s democracy.
`The competition was announced at the beginning of
summer. Harutyun Alaverdyan and Hrant Ter-Abrahamyan
won the competition and the game was structured on the
basis of their script. Political expert Khachik
Galstyan is the member of the author’s board, and he
himself structured the political direction of the
game,’ said Anush Beghloyan, the executive director of
Armenian PR Association. The authors of the game said
that the game is typical mirror of the reality, as the
slogans, ideologies are real not invented.

Note that the game has its online variant:
and the following organizations
supported to the realization of the game: The embassy
of Great Britain in Armenia, APRA association, Smart
systems, imatrix graphics studio.

Source: Panorama.am

Vasilian Manouk:
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