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Improvements of educational system


[03:58 pm] 25 December, 2007

`We know definitely what we want and we have settled
all our problems this year’, pointed out the RA
Minister of Education and Science Levon Lazarian,
summing up 2007 year.

He reflected both on the accomplishments and
deficiencies of the education, which would be improved
in 2008.

Among the 2004 reforms he underlined general
education, retraining of about 111 thousand teachers,
introduction of joint examination system for the
admission to higher educational institutions.

As to the joint examination system, next year tests
will also be published in abroad, new subjects will be
included in the new educational system in 2008,
cameras will be installed in examination rooms.
Special equipments deadening mobile calls will be
installed in the examination rooms to avoid corruption

Chilingarian Babken:
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