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Positive and nagative sides of constitutional changes


18:30 27/12/2007


`We had administrative government till 1999, now we
tend to found balanced political governing system and
to improve the role of the parliament, to form
independent executive power and judicial system,’ said
lawyer Hrayr Tovmasyan. He talked about the
constitutional changes and said that 35 new acts were
already passed in the result of those changes.
According to him, before, the practical relations
between president and the prime minister
administrations were complicated enough. The president
had authorities to hire and fire the prime minister,
to organize and disorganize government meetings, and
to sign government’s decisions. But the things are
changed, and now the president is not authorized to
fire the prime minister, and to organize government

Constitutional changes in the judicial system are also
significant. Before the president governed the
judicial council and assigned the members of it. `So
the fact itself proved that assigning the prime
minister and forming other state council boards, the
RA president combined all the governing keys in his
hands,’ said Tovmasyan. According to him the
constitutional changes insert limitations in the
president’s authorities.
Some positive changes are registered in the relations
of president-government administrations, as for
example, the president does not sign the decisions of
the government as government itself is responsible for
its decisions.
Note that the meeting was organized by Armenian PR

Source: Panorama.am

Maghakian Mike:
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